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I have encountered those who feel that libraries have served their purpose and are no longer needed. There are those who consider them a soft target when it comes to local authority budget cuts. In certain political quarters, there is a refusal to see that our public library service needs active protection.  (Served Quotes) Whenever one or more components of a company’s business model changes, new business models are created for supporting companies. The changes might involve niches served, new marketing angles or improved value propositions.  (Served Quotes) This is our high and holy calling-to be agents of Jesus Christ, to love as He loved, to serve as He served.  (Served Quotes) When I made my first film, I had hardly ever seen a camera before, and I was a young man when I arrived in Paris from the suburbs. At the time, I didn’t talk much. I was very shy, so the bluff served me. I was telling people that I had no money, and that I knew how to make films, but I had no proof.  (Served Quotes) To focus capital and entrepreneurship into empowering innovation, we should change is the capital gains tax rate. We would be better served by a regressive tax rate, that would become progressively smaller the longer the investment is held.  (Served Quotes) Granpa said if there was less words, there wouldn’t be as much trouble in the world. He said privately to me that there was always some damn fool making up a word that served no purpose except to cause trouble.  (Served Quotes) Parents have a right to expect that their efforts at home won’t be undone each day in the school cafeteria or in the vending machine in the hallway. ...Parents have a right to expect that their kids will be served fresh, healthy food that meets high nutritional standards.  (Served Quotes) When I served in the Army, along the Iron Curtain we had a word for a person who absconds with information and provides it to another nation: traitor. We also had a name for a person who chooses to reveal secrets he had personally promised to protect: common criminal.  (Served Quotes) To the Christian Church, the destruction of the Temple served as an ultimate sign that the Jews were no longer God’s chosen people, divine favor having now been transferred to a newer and better Israel.  (Served Quotes) Country ham is baked whole, usually with a glaze, sometimes studded with cloves, and served as the centerpiece of Christmas and Easter feasts.  (Served Quotes) When I cook for my family on Christmas, I make feijoada, a South American dish of roasted and smoked meats like ham, pork, beef, lamb, and bacon - all served with black beans and rice. It’s festive but different.  (Served Quotes) Having served in the Nixon Administration, I am well aware of how the political leadership of an administration can try to politicize the civil service, including law enforcement.  (Served Quotes) Elie Wiesel has for years served as the moral compass of the civilized world. For many of us, including me, he has defined the Holocaust.  (Served Quotes) Back then, before it became clear that democracy was best served by a drunken electorate, the bars in New York City were required to close on Election Day.  (Served Quotes) As an infantry officer who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, I have led men in combat and trained them on tactics and strategy. The mission of the infantry is to ‘close with, and destroy, the enemy.’ Our job, in a direct way, is to fight and win wars.  (Served Quotes) When I travel on an airplane, I like to be served TWA milk and TWA coffee. But I love to be served TWA tea.  (Served Quotes) Johnny Vassilaros is the man who has created the finest cup of coffee ever served in the city of New York.  (Served Quotes) The obsessive focus on a college degree has served neither taxpayers nor students well. Only 35 percent of students starting a four-year degree program will graduate within four years, and less than 60 percent will graduate within six years. Students who haven’t graduated within six years probably never will.  (Served Quotes) I did a gig at a comedy club in Bournemouth where they served a buffet while the acts were on. There was the clang of people carving turkey during the set. If you put comedy and turkey side by side, turkey always wins.  (Served Quotes) I didn’t want to be the kind of man that my father was. So I’ve tried, my entire life, to be the complete and utter opposite of that. And it has served not only the art well, but I think the audience well.  (Served Quotes) America’s public schools have served their purpose. Free and compulsory education was good for a somewhat unpromising young nation.  (Served Quotes) The [concentration camps] were swarming with photographers and every new picture of horror served only to diminish the total effect. Now, for a short day, everyone will see what happened to those poor devils in those camps; tomorrow, very few will care what happens to them in the future.  (Served Quotes) I’m not sure about prizes. I don’t know how far you can seriously raise public consciousness about poetry. Having a ‘National Poetry Day,’ like a ‘No Smoking Day,’ is just shelving the problem. Things which should by rights be every day are not best served by these things.  (Served Quotes) While he was in the service, in the South and in Oklahoma, he was refused service at a couple of places where he was in uniform, and was told that African Americans, blacks, Negros, were not served. And in spite of that, I’ve never known a man who loved this country more than my father did.  (Served Quotes) Foreign policy is effectively the assertion of many individual countries intersecting on the global marketplace. And you have to figure out how to get your interest served in a way that meets the interests and needs of these other folks.  (Served Quotes) Zeal is the great desire to make God known, loved, and served, and thus to bring knowledge of salvation to others. Activity flows from this virtue. Teachers who possess it fulfill the duties of their profession with enthusiasm, love, courage, and perseverance.  (Served Quotes) I worked on a number of projects that were used by millions of people and that also served as inspiration to what we now call crowd-sourcing.  (Served Quotes) Embedded in ‘The New York Times’ institutional perspective and reporting methodologies are all sorts of quite debatable and subjective political and cultural assumptions about the world. And with some noble exceptions, ‘The Times,’ by design or otherwise, has long served the interests of the same set of elite and powerful factions.  (Served Quotes) In the original ‘Star Wars’ movie, there is a small toaster-sized and shaped robot on the Death Star that guides Stormtroopers to where they need to go. I always liked that robot because I could imagine how to build it - and it served a real purpose.  (Served Quotes) Ever since the Second World War, television signals (as well as FM radio and radar) have served as Homo sapiens’ emissaries into deep space. High-frequency, high-power broadcasts have filled an Earth-centered bubble more than 60 light-years in radius with signals.  (Served Quotes)
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