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The kind of values for which I was supposed to kill, such as democracy and national independence, were better served, I thought, through non-violent action.  (Served Quotes) When the Temple was destroyed, the Jewish people faced a crisis unlike any other in its history. For centuries, the sacrificial system had served as the primary medium of atonement before the Almighty.  (Served Quotes) The dirty little secret is that I grew up in a household where there were no carbohydrates allowed, ever. No cookies, no bread, no potatoes, no rice. My mother was very extreme in terms of what she served. Since I left home more than 40 years ago, I’ve been making it right for myself.  (Served Quotes) When I started at Puma, you had a restaurant that was a Puma restaurant, an Adidas restaurant, a bakery. The town was literally divided. If you were working for the wrong company, you wouldn’t be served any food; you couldn’t buy anything. So it was kind of an odd experience.  (Served Quotes) Men and women who have served in harm’s way experience higher rates of divorce and suicide. Many battle the debilitating effects and stigma associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  (Served Quotes) I was a very romantic, overly dramatic young lady, which served me well as a songwriter. Especially as someone who had to focus on lyrics and melody, because if you’re a dramatic and romantic person, lyrics come easy, and you turn every single short-term relationship into the biggest ‘Romeo-and-Juliet’ story ever.  (Served Quotes) In law school, I earned the respect of professors and served on the editorial board of ‘The Yale Law Journal.’  (Served Quotes) Not eating meat really keeps me trim....meat, and what’s usually served with it, is a big calorie packer.  (Served Quotes) I’ve never made any effort to hide what happened. I served my time, I’ve tried to learn and move on.  (Served Quotes) Having served in eleven Parliaments, it would be difficult to describe this as a maiden speech. It would be like Elizabeth Taylor appearing at her next wedding in a white gown.  (Served Quotes) Bring me the head of Elton John . . . which is one instance in which meat would not be murder, if it were served on a plate.  (Served Quotes) When, as we must often do, we fear science, we really fear ourselves. Human dignity is better served by embracing knowledge.  (Served Quotes) When I started out in Facebook, it had only 20 people. I saw it grow to a thousand employees and from five million users to over a billion users. I saw it evolve from a service that served college students to one that served the world.  (Served Quotes) Lady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation’s leaders and citizens.  (Served Quotes) I believe something very deeply. That Britain’s national interest is best served in a flexible, adaptable and open European Union and that such a European Union is best with Britain in it.  (Served Quotes) Ninety-five percent of the work in the attorney general’s office is civil litigation and regulatory work, and I think I certainly have a lot more experience in that than most of the folks who have served in the office.  (Served Quotes) Whenever we have thanked these men and women for what they have done for us, without exception they have expressed gratitude for having the chance to help - because they grew as they served.  (Served Quotes) I never wanted to become an actor to be famous. I just wanted to be a good actor. It served me pretty well.  (Served Quotes) Edgar Degas’s famous sculpture, ‘Little Dancer Aged Fourteen,’ served as my muse for ‘The Painted Girls.’ I came upon a television documentary on the work, and as someone who held the sculpture in high esteem and who largely considered ballet to be the high-minded pursuit of privileged young girls, I was struck by what I would learn.  (Served Quotes) Homemade stuffing is my favorite thing about Thanksgiving. I wish people served it more than just once a year.  (Served Quotes) One of my favorite dishes in the world used to be steak tartare, which is raw ground beef seasoned and then served.  (Served Quotes) We have strong statistical evidence that shows that transgender people are twice as likely as their fellow citizens to join the military, to have served in the military.  (Served Quotes) The financial markets tend to be just a backdrop for a novel, for a heist or something that isn’t necessarily integral to it. On the whole, I don’t think the financial world has been well served by novels.  (Served Quotes) Football has very direct and strong connections to New Orleans. The game of football has served as a positive beacon in our city. It has given our citizens hope in tough, trying times.  (Served Quotes) Margaret Thatcher - this great lady has not only served her country well, she has served the free world well.  (Served Quotes) It is extremely important that mass media, having freed from the relics of the Cold War, served for peace and dialogue between nations and religions, the rich and the poor, countries and continents.  (Served Quotes) Women want to serve, and this is where their happiness lies: but the free spirit does not want to be served, and this is where hishappiness lies.  (Served Quotes) I started wanting desperately to say something, to make a point, to be heard - and I still feel that way. Free verse served me best when I embarked on poetry.  (Served Quotes) A dungeon horrible, on all sides round, As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames No light; but rather darkness visible Served only to discover sights of woe  (Served Quotes) With San Mateo food writer Merrin McGregor’s irresistible recipe, you can have your French Toast -- and eat it, too. It’s a glorious fruit salad with little cubes of orange-tinged French toast We just added a tiny maple drizzle when we served it, and felt sated and virtuous at the same time.  (Served Quotes)
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