Service Quotes

Text Quotes
That larger vision is certain to make clear the value in our own lives of service to others (Service Quotes)
If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it (Service Quotes)
Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline, should really be running the world (Service Quotes)
Mediation and reconciliation work is about a profound quest for justice and social transformation. But at the same time, they are about service, solidarity, about exploring and rediscovering the human spirit that has been lost or shattered through human conflict, cruelty, ignorance and greed (Service Quotes)
In movies, you have a production assistant carrying your chair around and getting you coffee. In theater, no one carries your chair, no one gets you your coffee, there’s no craft service, there’s no per diem. The only thing that is provided for you is coffee, tea, sugar and milk. It doesn’t matter how big a star you are or whatever (Service Quotes)
There are many who subscribe to the convention that service is a business cost, but our data demonstrates that superior service is an investment that can help drive business growth. Investing in quality talent, and ensuring they have the skills, training and tools that enable them to empathize and actively listen to customers are central to providing consistently excellent service experiences (Service Quotes)
The rise of the citizen review site is a sobering development. No longer are you on top of the mountain, blasting your marketing message down to the masses through your megaphone. All of a sudden, the masses are conversing with one another. If your service or product isn’t any good, they’ll out you (Service Quotes)
Don’t make promises unless you will keep them. Not plan to keep them. Will keep them. Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception (Service Quotes)
Answer your phone. Get call forwarding. Or an answering service. Hire staff if you need to. But make sure that someone is picking up the phone when someone calls your business (Service Quotes)
The irony of good customer service is that over time it will bring in more new customers than promotions and price slashing ever did! (Service Quotes)
I’m probably never going to be satisfied with anything we do. I think there’s always the possibility of doing better. And I’d say we’re doing better than we were a year ago, in terms of delivery and quality of service, but nowhere near what we should be doing (Service Quotes)
In physiology, as in all other sciences, no discovery is useless, no curiosity misplaced or too ambitious, and we may be certain that every advance achieved in the quest of pure knowledge will sooner or later play its part in the service of man (Service Quotes)
Honesty is a principle. Service is a principle. Love is a principle. Hard work is a principle. Respect, gratitude, moderation, fairness, integrity, loyalty, and responsibility are principles. There are dozens and dozens more. They are not hard to identify. Just as a compass always points to true north, your heart will recognize true principles (Service Quotes)
Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life (Service Quotes)
I believe we are put on this earth to be of service. It’s how I find meaning in my life. And it’s fun! (Service Quotes)
I think service to others is the real key to winning our own personal freedom and the road to our own happiness, our own personal contentment and fulfillment (Service Quotes)
It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success (Service Quotes)
My creed is that public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought, that smears are not only to be expected but fought, that honor is to be earned, not bought (Service Quotes)
I don’t mind if my life goes in the service of the nation. If I die, every drop of my blood will invigorate the nation (Service Quotes)
How can we help students to understand that the tragedy of life is not death; the tragedy is to die with commitments undefined and convictions undeclared and service unfulfilled? (Service Quotes)
I have a magical work in a magical way. I give magical service for magical pay (Service Quotes)
We decided that if we get the culture right, most of the stuff, like building a brand around delivering the very best customer service, will just take care of itself (Service Quotes)
Perhaps we can only truly serve those we are willing to touch, not only with our hands but with our hearts and even our souls. Professionalism has embedded in service a sense of difference, a certain distance. But on the deepest level, service is an experience of belonging, an experience of connection to others and to the word around us. It is this connection that gives us the power to bless the life in others. Without it, the life in them would not respond to us (Service Quotes)
With businesses, you go to the same places because you like the service, you like the people and they take care of you. They greet you with a smile. That’s how people want to be treated, with respect. That’s what I tell my employees.. customer service is very important (Service Quotes)
The theory of the lung as a gland has justified its existence and done excellent service in bringing forward facts, which shall survive any theoretical construction that has been or may hereafter be put upon them (Service Quotes)
Only religion can prevent democratic rule from developing into mob rule. A nation can prosper only as its citizens are religious, intelligent, capable of service and eager to render it (Service Quotes)
In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto (Service Quotes)
Totalitarianism extends to whatever touches it... psychological technique, as it operates in the army or in a great industrial plant, entails a direct action on the family. It involves a psychological adaptation of family life to military or industrial methods, supervision of family life, and training family life for military or industrial service. Technique can leave nothing untouched in a civilization. Everything is its concern. Technique, which is destroying all other civilizations, is more than a simple mechanism: it’s a whole civilization in itself (Service Quotes)
Many roads open pathways to authenticity. For some it is disciplined practice, for others revelation, for others service. Regardless of how we get in touch with authenticity or how authenticity gets in touch with us, the engagement is ongoing and forever challenging (Service Quotes)
I feel like a small battlefield in which the problems, or some of the problems, of our time are being fought out. All one can hope to do is keep oneself humbly available, to allow oneself to be a battlefield. After all, the problems must be accommodated, have somewhere to struggle and come to rest and we, poor little humans, must put our inner space at their service and not run away (Service Quotes)