Service Quotes

Text Quotes
A gold watch is the most appropriate gift for retirement, as its recipients have given up so many of their golden hours in a lifetime of service (Service Quotes)
Every product and service is sold on the promise of a better future. The purpose of business is to deliver on the promise, and profit is the reward for doing so (Service Quotes)
Today, in twelve countries, young men are resisting conscription and refusing military service. They are the pioneers of a warless world (Service Quotes)
By a commodity we shall understand any object, substance, action or service, which can afford pleasure or ward off pain (Service Quotes)
Present, n. Something given in expectation of something better. today’s payment for tomorrow’s service (Service Quotes)
In the service of the people we followed such a policy that socialism would not lose its human face (Service Quotes)
After sixty years the stern sentence of the burial service seems to have a meaning that one did not notice in former years. There begins to be something personal about it (Service Quotes)
All men naturally hate one another. They employ lust as far as possible in the service of the public weal. But this is only a pretence and a false image of love; for at bottom it is only hate (Service Quotes)
Death came very easily to her. She had lived such an innocent and loving life of service to others and held such a simple faith, that she had no fears at all and did not seem to mind very much (Service Quotes)
People who concentrate on giving good service always get more personal satisfaction as well as better business. How can we get better service? One way is by trying to see ourselves as others do (Service Quotes)
Being in a pageant is not just about beauty. It’s more about service to the community and being a role model and making a difference. It’s being proud of your city. It’s all what you put into it (Service Quotes)
The only certain means of is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be (Service Quotes)
Once you shape a company to service the marketplace and your services are necessary, the company develops a compulsion of its own to grow (Service Quotes)
Just as a flower gives out its fragrance to whomsoever approaches our uses it, so love from within us radiates towards everybody and manifests as spontaneous service (Service Quotes)
Joy can only be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness (Service Quotes)
No one has learned the meaning of life until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow men (Service Quotes)
Some general officers should pay a stricter regard to truth than to call the depopulating other countries the service of their own (Service Quotes)
Abuse is often of service. There is nothing so dangerous to an author as silence. His name, like a shuttlecock, must be beat backward and forward, or it falls to the ground (Service Quotes)
The book that he has made renders its author this service in return, that so long as the book survives, its author remains immortal and cannot die (Service Quotes)
O subtle love! A thousand wiles thou hast, by humble suit, by service, or by hire, to win a maiden’s hold, a thing soon done, for nature framed all women to be won (Service Quotes)
Reason, however able, cool at best, cares not for service, or but serves when prest, stays till we call, and then not often near (Service Quotes)
There is no, author so poor who cannot be of some service, if only for a witness of his time (Service Quotes)
One improper word or act will neutralize the effect of many good ones; and one base deed, after years of noble service, will cover them all with shame (Service Quotes)
By looking into physical causes our minds are opened and enlarged; and in this pursuit, whether we take or whether we lose the game, the chase is certainly of service (Service Quotes)
Amongst so many borrowed things, am glad if I can steal one, disguising and altering it for some new service (Service Quotes)
To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow creatures (Service Quotes)
Law is not a profession at all, but rather a business service station and repair shop (Service Quotes)
Postal service of today is far removed from that of 30 years ago when reform was last enacted (Service Quotes)
The ghastly thing about postal strikes is that after they are over, the service returns to normal (Service Quotes)
The civil service can never be placed on a satisfactory basis until it is regulated by law (Service Quotes)