Service Quotes

Text Quotes
If after accepting the spiritual master and being initiated one does not follow the rules and regulations of devotional service, then he is again fallen (Service Quotes)
Software is largely a service industry operating under the persistent but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry (Service Quotes)
You don’t value families if you force them to take up a collection to buy body armor for a son or daughter in the service (Service Quotes)
The refutation of suicide: is it not inelegant to abandon a world which has so willingly put itself at the service of our melancholy (Service Quotes)
Dedicated missionary service returns a dividend of eternal joy which extends throughout mortality and into eternity (Service Quotes)
Selfishness draws men into a spiritual vacuum where, absorbed in self service, they shut out all others (Service Quotes)
Be certain that you easily clear the minimum standards for service as a missionary and that you are continually raising the bar (Service Quotes)
Knowing that we should love is not enough. But when knowledge is applied through service, love can secure for us the blessings of heaven (Service Quotes)
He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms (Service Quotes)
But the question is, whether the animals who endure such sufferings of various kinds for the service and entertainment of man, would accept existence upon the terms on which they have it (Service Quotes)
Each of us, whatever our talents, has service to give. And to do it well always involves learning, not once or for a limited time, but continually (Service Quotes)
How much better the world would be if we all gave gifts of understanding, and compassion, of service, and friendship, of kindness and gentleness (Service Quotes)
It is not for me to change you. The question is, how can I be of service to you without diminishing your degrees of freedom? (Service Quotes)
What is important is how much service you can give the world and how much you can get done and how much better you can make things (Service Quotes)
No one has learned the meaning of living until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow man. Service to others is akin to duty, the fulfillment of which brings true joy (Service Quotes)
True leadership is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you (Service Quotes)
I extol those who, with loving care and compassionate concern, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless. He who notes the sparrow’s fall will not be unmindful of such service (Service Quotes)
The needs of others are ever present, and each of us can do something to help someone... Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives (Service Quotes)
Temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service (Service Quotes)
We can choose to humble ourselves by receiving counsel and chastisement,... by forgiving those who have offended us,... by rendering selfless service (Service Quotes)
Service is not something we endure on this earth so we can earn the right to live in the celestial kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the celestial kingdom is made (Service Quotes)
Tremendous happiness and peace of mind are the results of loving service to others. Nobody can live fully and happily who lives only unto himself or herself (Service Quotes)
To lose yourself in righteous service to others can lift your sights and get your mind off personal problems, or at least put them in proper focus (Service Quotes)
One of the difficulties with all our institutions is the fact that we’ve emphasized the reward instead of the service (Service Quotes)
Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs (Service Quotes)
The main difference between service and manufacturing is the service department doesn’t know that they have a product (Service Quotes)
Every act of kindness and compassion toward others gets multiplied when they, in turn, pass it on. One by one the world becomes a better place. Service is indeed the gift that keeps on giving (Service Quotes)
The meaning of service is to do the work assigned ungrudgingly and without thought of personal reward material or moral (Service Quotes)
Service that is given with little or no thought of personal advantage is an ideal to pursue for a lifetime (Service Quotes)
They managed to find time. To tell me that there was no chance of my being accepted for service and that really I should be surprised to still be alive (Service Quotes)