Service Quotes

Text Quotes
Those were the ideals that drove us to nationalization of the health service (Service Quotes)
As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation’s agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases (Service Quotes)
Delaware State began as a school bent on service - teaching education, social services and nursing (Service Quotes)
Having a dad in the service was helpful. I was forever meeting new kids, going to new schools, moving to new neighborhoods. I was encouraged when I attended the American School in Germany (Service Quotes)
I have a secret thought from some things I have observed, that God may perhaps design you for some singular service in the world (Service Quotes)
I haven’t heard any music on the BBC World Service in a long time. Maybe I’m listening at the wrong times. But not one single piece of music (Service Quotes)
I saw courage both in the Vietnam War and in the struggle to stop it. I learned that patriotism includes protest, not just military service (Service Quotes)
I think Al Gore has done a great service in making global warming cool. He’s basically taken it from a nerdy, almost ignored issue to making it what it is - namely, a problem (Service Quotes)
I try to make my life about service, and hope that one day we can all ‘see’ a little better because God is with everyone and everywhere (Service Quotes)
Maybe you are the “cool” generation If coolness means a capacity to stay calm and use your head in the service of ends passionately believed in, then it has my admiration (Service Quotes)
Prison service vans that travel 90 miles to take a prisoner 90 yards; paedophiles free to leer at children in the very parks where they have committed horrific crimes (Service Quotes)
So as I look at transitioning to the communication platforms of the future, I see that the beauty of Internet protocols is you get the separation of the layers between service and technology (Service Quotes)
The Germans certainly - the intelligence service believed that there were WMD. It turns out that we were all wrong, probably in my judgment, and that is most disturbing (Service Quotes)
The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army (Service Quotes)
Though I love the luxury of the Waldorf Towers, room service there doesn’t do soul food (Service Quotes)
When I wake up on a Monday morning and I realise I don’t have to go and work at the civil service, I really think I’ve won (Service Quotes)
While other state governments stiff their vendors, close parks, delay tax refunds, and ignore unacceptably poor service levels, Indiana state employees are setting national standards for efficiency (Service Quotes)
One only has to look at the performance of the economy to understand how it shapes the perspective of America’s youth about military service (Service Quotes)
Americans have an expectation that the Postal Service will abide by its well-known, although unofficial, motto - a commitment to deliver (Service Quotes)
We wouldn’t turn over our customs service or our border patrol to a foreign government. We shouldn’t turn over the ports of the United States, either (Service Quotes)
Each heartfelt prayer, each Church meeting attended, each worthy friend, each righteous decision, each act of service perfomed all precede that goal of eternal life (Service Quotes)
Though we may not necessarily forfeit our lives in service to our God, we can certainly demonstrate our love for Him by how well we serve Him (Service Quotes)
You try various things when you’re growing up. I was an attache in the Foreign Service for a while and then I drove a bulldozer, but neither of those panned out for me so it had to be stand-u (Service Quotes)
If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service and never in the House of Peers (Service Quotes)
Am I an Apple bigot? No. I can critique their products and their customer service philosophy. But overall, they do better than any other player (Service Quotes)
My joy knows no bounds... I will devote all my energy and all the powers available to me to the service of Nigeria and humanity (Service Quotes)
The war effects me less than it ought. I can do no service to anybody by agitating for news or making dole over the slaughte (Service Quotes)
A store’s best advertisement is the service its goods render, for upon such service rest the future, the good-will, of an organization (Service Quotes)
When Reagan was elected, I felt that the Agency had gone much more into the service of a political tendency in the country with which I had already felt very strong disagreement (Service Quotes)
While I was in jail, they handcuffed me and took me to a backroom, where a detective from the FBI and a Secret Service agent were, and they interrogated me for about three or four hours (Service Quotes)