Service Quotes

Text Quotes
I would spend my nights at home but if it means contention. I’d rather be alone tell the service man cut the phones. (Service Quotes)
It is not the soul alone that should be healthy; if the mind is healthy in a healthy body, all will be healthy and much better prepared to give God greater service. (Service Quotes)
When Reagan was elected, I felt that the Agency had gone much more into the service of a political tendency in the country with which I had already felt very strong disagreement. (Service Quotes)
I actually think the civil service, who are the malignancy at the heart of public life, have consciously prevented, talked ministers out of, made it difficult regulatory-wise, to allow more pressure on alternative energy sources to grow. (Service Quotes)
I do not believe that people should steal music, but I think that fans need a better alternative, hence why I am such a fan of Apple, where you can simply buy a song for $0.99; it is very easy, it is a value-packed service... and this is a result of the shakeup... something has to happen in the music industry. (Service Quotes)
As a child, I was an active Christian. I used to love the school choir and remember the carol service as always such an emotional thing. (Service Quotes)
My manager has season tix to the Dodgers, four seats to 40 games, and they’re right behind the plate, I mean, they’re amazing, food and waiter service, which is insane. (Service Quotes)
I feel like I have had the most amazing life in my public service. And for the last 17 years, ever since my husband started running for president, I have been in the spotlight, working hard. And this job is incredibly all-encompassing. So I think I’m looking forward to maybe taking some time off (Service Quotes)
When I decided to run for Congress, I saw it as an opportunity to serve the South Jersey community that had become my home after signing to play for the Philadelphia Eagles. I didn’t choose public service out of political ambition or a desire for power, and never once thought of making a career of it. (Service Quotes)
It does not help when an administration, in response to American attacks on American soil and American individuals, the administration ends up asking Americans to give up their First Amendment rights for which our service members are fighting. (Service Quotes)
Business leaders should provide expertise in service of our country. My predecessors at GE have done so, as have leaders of many other great American companies. (Service Quotes)
A more important antidote to American democracy is American gerontocracy. The positions of eminence and authority in Congress are allotted in accordance with length of service, regardless of quality. (Service Quotes)
With every cell of my being and with every fiber of my memory I oppose the death penalty in all forms. I do not believe any civilized society should be at the service of death. I don’t think it’s human to become an agent of the angel of death. (Service Quotes)
The animal kingdom is destined by nature to serve, and that service is fulfilled in alleviating the temporal and physical needs of man; the animal spirit or soul is limited by time - it dies with the body. (Service Quotes)
As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation’s agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases. (Service Quotes)
We realized what a spot we were in. We had to deliver the goods, or else there wouldn’t ever be another chance for women pilots in any part of the service. (Service Quotes)
All the new technology seems redundant to me. I was quite happy with the United States mail service. And, I don’t even have an answering machine, for God’s sake. (Service Quotes)
For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. (Service Quotes)
Google, Amazon, Apple. Any number of cloud providers and computer service providers who can increasingly limit your access to your own information, control all your processing, take away your data if they want to, and observe everything you do; in a way, that does give them some leverage over your own life. (Service Quotes)
I took my iPod to the Apple store here in Manhattan and asked them to replace the battery. And they explained to me that Apple does not offer a service to replace the battery in the iPod, and my best bet was to buy a new iPod. (Service Quotes)
I have asked to have no funeral, and no memorial service. I hate other people’s and would certainly not appreciate my own. (Service Quotes)
A COnNeCtworker is a networker who is always taking into account the needs of others. Approaching people with a service attitude to bring them value and build a relationship. Then when that person is looking for a reliable service provider in a particular industry, they will pick the COnNeCtworker. (Service Quotes)
Architecture is the story of how we see ourselves. It is the architect’s job to service everyday life. (Service Quotes)
Let us also reflect on the honorable service of our men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces currently serving our country overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan, and around the world. (Service Quotes)
I don’t miss the bureaucracy of being in the Army. But I still love the relationships you can build. And it doesn’t have to be in military service - it can be anything you’re doing with someone that matters. You develop a bond. (Service Quotes)
I’ve spent quality time in the aerospace community, with my service on two presidential commissions, but at heart, I’m an academic. Being an academic means I don’t wield power over person, place or thing. I don’t command armies; I don’t lead labor unions. All I have is the power of thought. (Service Quotes)
Because of my own family’s service (in the U.S. Army, Navy, and Massachusetts and New York National Guard), I am a strong supporter of the military and do believe that there are just wars. (Service Quotes)
Look at all the marriages that have been wonderfully successful where fellows finished their army service and came home to go to college on G.I. bills and their wives worked. (Service Quotes)
Making of poetry, music, dance and art as culture-making in the service of nation-making. You can find writings that make that purpose for art quite explicit. (Service Quotes)
Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea. (Service Quotes)