Serving God Quotes
Text Quotes
We are most happy when we are most focused on serving God together (Serving God Quotes)
It is impossible to serve God without serving one another (Serving God Quotes)
So many times we say that we can’t serve God because we aren’t whatever is needed. We’re not talented enough or smart enough or whatever. But if you are in covenant with Jesus Christ, He is responsible for covering your weaknesses, for being your strength. He will give you His abilities for your disabilities! (Serving God Quotes)
Since God has given me a cheerful heart, He will forgive me for serving Him cheerfully (Serving God Quotes)
Leadership is the art of serving God by helping His people become more like His Son through the indefatigable pursuit of His vision and values. (Serving God Quotes)
I haven’t thought about aspirations for the future. I like politics, I like serving the public, and we’ll see if God offers us another opportunity in the future. (Serving God Quotes)
Practical religion consists in doing good: and the only way of serving God is that of endeavoring to make His creation happy. All preaching that has not this for its object is nonsense and hypocrisy (Serving God Quotes)
You’re serving. You’re not a servant. Serving is a supreme art. God is the first servant. God serves men but he’s not a servant to men. - Eliseo Orefice (Serving God Quotes)
We can’t understand our calling and our vocation until we listen to the Lord... until we look upon the Lord... until we realize who it is that we’re really serving. Are we serving God? Or the world? (Serving God Quotes)
Avoid duplicity, that is, do not let your heart be divided between attachment to God and attachment to earthly things, ‘You cannot serve God and mammon’ (Mt. 6:24); cling to God alone, put your trust in Him alone; for the Devil, by inciting us to duplicity, seeks himself to gain possession of our heart, which is single and indivisible (Serving God Quotes)
At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern (Serving God Quotes)
Serve God joyfully. Let there be no sadness in your life: the only true sorrow is sin (Serving God Quotes)
We don’t serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted so we serve God. We don’t follow Him in order to be loved; we are loved so we follow Him (Serving God Quotes)
Humbly serving all with their beauty, flowers say more to us about God than anything else. Each one brings a message that the Heavenly Father is right here (Serving God Quotes)
We must not allow the liberals to move us away from the conservative values of the American past which sustain our present and shall secure our future. As for me and my family, we will serve God, we will serve this constitutional republic, we will serve America (Serving God Quotes)
There is nothing special about Tim Scott. I’m an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God and that makes the difference (Serving God Quotes)
God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself (Serving God Quotes)
You cannot serve God and mammon. You have to make a choice (Serving God Quotes)
... we are quick to rationalize our entertainment and priorities yet are slow to commit to serving God (Serving God Quotes)
God gives us opportunity to serve him by serving humanity (Serving God Quotes)
It is by serving God and others that we store up heavenly treasures. Everyone gains; no one loses (Serving God Quotes)
So you can’t lose serving God, and that all things work together for good (Serving God Quotes)
Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily (Serving God Quotes)
Faithful servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God (Serving God Quotes)