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Setter Quotes

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A good setter is like a waiter  (Setter Quotes) In your thinking be a goal setter, but in your actions be a goal getter  (Setter Quotes) I am a goal setter and I set more goals everyday. I keep lists of goals in my office to stay on track  (Setter Quotes) No person is so grand or wise or perfect as to be the master of another person. Teacher, perhaps. Setter of good example, perhaps. Genius, perhaps. But master, no  (Setter Quotes) I always try to be a trend setter. That’s what I always tell young people when I’m giving them advice. To go with their heart and don’t follow the trends  (Setter Quotes) Who is a professional? A professional is someone who has a combination of competence, confidence and belief. A water diviner is a professional. A traditional midwife is a professional. A traditional bone setter is a professional. These are professionals all over the world. You find them in any inaccessible village around the world.  (Setter Quotes) I am BETTER everyday because I don’t allow BITTER people a chance to LITTER my thought factory with their toxic MATTER. I am a SETTER, a goal GETTER  (Setter Quotes)