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Setting Quotes

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I can’t comment on any outside perception. I’m happy to come out and talk about movies that I’ve worked on in a setting like this. Otherwise, I have my own life that I live which is very different and private  (Setting Quotes) It was rehearsing in the studio, at which point they were setting up the sound, and once we’d got the thing together they’d actually record it, without us knowing sometimes!  (Setting Quotes) Hence a ship is said to head the sea, when her course is opposed to the setting or direction of the surges  (Setting Quotes) We meet before the movie and she gives you charts with sounds on them and makes a tape of examples. While they are setting up the scene, I go with her to the trailer and we go through the scene and correct the speech  (Setting Quotes) There’s no performance where I never have to think about setting up a phrase or making a technical adjustment while I’m performing  (Setting Quotes) I love shows about creating and cooking. Sometimes they’re so extraordinary, you end up setting yourself to fail  (Setting Quotes) I mean, I could just go round and use session musicians for every song, but I don’t find that helps when it comes to setting up a band for live. Derrick has been with me for donkey’s years  (Setting Quotes) You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters  (Setting Quotes) I don’t think it’s so much of a disadvantage setting up from scratch  (Setting Quotes) We have an electronic vein we have tapped and applied it to a rock setting like tons of bands out there  (Setting Quotes) The more commercial work that is happening, the more people are operating cameras and are setting up studio lights, the greater the opportunity for drama production to happen  (Setting Quotes) Any setting can potentially acquire this vividness. It slowly arrives during the period of research, until it is as immediate to me as my own real surroundings  (Setting Quotes) I use the city because it saves time, I don’t have to do a lot of research on the setting  (Setting Quotes) But, no, I don’t think there will be any kind of problem as far as setting up to be competitive, but you’ve got to get it right if you want to be the first one across the line  (Setting Quotes) A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun; a gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;... Tranquil its spirit seemed and floated slow; even in its very motion there was rest  (Setting Quotes) In choosing where to live or vacation, we may be setting the stage for the play of ourselves, treating nature as prop  (Setting Quotes) Confusion has seized us, and all things go wrong, the women have leaped from their spheres, and, instead of fixed stars, shoot as comets along, and are setting the world by the ears!  (Setting Quotes) Thy voice is on the rolling air; I hear thee where the waters run; thou standest in the rising sun, and in the setting thou art fair  (Setting Quotes) If honest fame awaits the truly good; if setting aside the ultimate success of excellence alone is to be considered, then was his fortune as proud as any to be found in the records of our ancestry  (Setting Quotes) Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means  (Setting Quotes) At about eight o’clock one evening of the early summer a group of men were seated on a grass plot overlooking a broad river. The sun was just setting through the forest fringe directly behind them  (Setting Quotes) Wit in women is a jewel, which, unlike all others, borrows lustre from its setting, rather than bestows it; since nothing is so easy as to fancy a very beautiful woman extremely witty  (Setting Quotes) A house of dreams untold, it looks out over the whispering treetops, and faces the setting sun  (Setting Quotes) Cant is the voluntary overcharging or prolongation of a real sentiment; hypocrisy is the setting up a pretension to a feeling you never had and have no wish for  (Setting Quotes) Setting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life  (Setting Quotes) How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else  (Setting Quotes) Learn all you can. Growth comes from setting your goals high and reaching for the stars  (Setting Quotes) We are setting ourselves up for disappointment if our hope is built on anything less than Jesus  (Setting Quotes) I enjoy setting the scene and coming up with interesting frames. ‘True Detective’ was a very hands-on set  (Setting Quotes) About the gnostic writers themselves and the setting in which they lived we know little, although gnostic Christians were influential enough to be denounced at length  (Setting Quotes)
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