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Setting Quotes

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In 1972 through 74, right before we hit it big, we were hauling our own equipment into the club and setting up and playing for, I don’t know, a hundred bucks a night  (Setting Quotes) It’s very satisfying to promote science and education and see good results. Setting a good example for young people, being a role model, is very important for me  (Setting Quotes) Just because we cannot see clearly te end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey  (Setting Quotes) The sun will soon be setting, and corpses make poor company by night. These were dark and dangerous men, alive. I doubt that death will have improved them  (Setting Quotes) Crossing at a ford occurs often in a man’s lifetime. It means setting sail even though your friends stay in harbour, knowing the route, knowing the soundness of your ship and the favour of the day  (Setting Quotes) If one cannot risk oneself, then one is simply incapable of giving. And, after all, one can give freedom only be setting someone free  (Setting Quotes) A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met  (Setting Quotes) For reasons I do not fully understand, some power is released through setting positive goals that would otherwise remain dormant  (Setting Quotes) Goal setting has traditionally been based on past performance. This practice has tended to perpetuate the sins of the past  (Setting Quotes) As a general principle, I should put it that a man’s country is where the things he loves are most respected. Circumstances may have prevented his ever setting foot there, but it remains his country  (Setting Quotes) When setting out on a photographic holiday, always provide yourself with two cameras, one to leave in the train going and the other to leave in the cab coming back  (Setting Quotes) The direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are at the moment. Goal setting should cause us to stretch as we make our way  (Setting Quotes) Our decisions, once executed, can never be erased. This is because such selections introduce a new series of conditions setting in motion events which cannot later be recalled  (Setting Quotes) You must avoid blindness of mind by setting goals... I have long contended that the person who sets goals and who strives to attain such is the master of his own fate  (Setting Quotes) We must stop setting our sights by the light of each passing ship; instead we must set our course by the stars  (Setting Quotes) Labor is today the most vital and potential power this planet has ever known, and its historic mission is as certain of ultimate realization as is the setting of the sun  (Setting Quotes) Religion is a set of social and political institutions and spirituality is a private pursuit which may or may not take place in a church setting  (Setting Quotes) The parent who tries to train without setting a good example is building with one hand, and pulling down with the other  (Setting Quotes) In silent films, quite complex plots are built around action, setting, and the actors gestures and facial expressions, with a very few storyboards to nail down specific plot points  (Setting Quotes) Conventional wisdom holds that setting a timetable for getting American troops out of Iraq would be a mistake  (Setting Quotes) Faith is an island in the setting sun, But proof is the bottom line for everyone  (Setting Quotes) I’m thinking of remaking ‘Psycho’ again. Doing a third remake. The idea this time is to really change it - we’re talking about doing a punk rocker setting  (Setting Quotes) If you look at Shakespeare’s history plays, what the setting of monarchy allows is this extraordinary intensification of emotions and predicament  (Setting Quotes) Like most people my age, my job is the main focus of my life. I don’t have some kind of jet - setting fabulous lifestyle where I’m constantly in situations to acquire amazing anecdotes, that’s it  (Setting Quotes) My wife and I just prefer Seattle. It’s a beautiful city. Great setting. You open your front door in the morning and the air smells like pine and the sea, as opposed to bus exhaust  (Setting Quotes) There is no gilding of setting sun or glamor of poetry to light up the ferocious and endless toil of the farmers’ wives  (Setting Quotes) We go old - school during the summer, like swimming or setting up lemonade stands. I try to teach my kids to make their own fun  (Setting Quotes) We should see the leadership from the White House setting dates certain for certain goals of achieving greater alliance on alternative and renewable energy sources, but we are not  (Setting Quotes) Whence it follows that God is absolutely perfect, since perfection is nothing but magnitude of positive reality, in the strict sense, setting aside the limits or bounds in things which are limited  (Setting Quotes) As time goes on, I realize more and more that, beginning in the early 30’s, David Smith began setting the precedent for what was to come later for many of us  (Setting Quotes)
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