Setting Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t really do indulgences. I’m more interested in discipline, goal setting, and performance. (Setting Quotes)
Don’t ever be impressed with goal setting. Be impressed with goal getting. (Setting Quotes)
There are no right of wrong answers in goal setting. What works for you? (Setting Quotes)
The key thing in management is goal setting. In medicine, goal-based approach is particularly important. Management should be aimed at minimizing health damage and, with a high degree of correlation, at reducing mortality (Setting Quotes)
The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we’ve already achieved them. (Setting Quotes)
I don’t think goal setting is an important basis for a retail business. Most of the time goal setting puts too much energy and attention on being someplace else, instead of helping you appreciate where you are. (Setting Quotes)
We spend 8 hours a day, for 10 months a year, for nearly 17 years sending our kids to school to prepare them for life. In all of that time there is never a course in overcoming adversity, goal setting, sacrifice, perseverance, teammates, or family. I guess that’s what wrestling is for. (Setting Quotes)
Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations. (Setting Quotes)
If you are setting a goal without understanding the reason for it, then maybe you should reevaluate the goal in general. (Setting Quotes)
If you refuse to set a bold goal for your financial future, you’re really setting a goal anyway: To keep things the way they are. (Setting Quotes)
Setting a goal is like to set your destination point in your life GPS which could take you to your desire position as you dreamed about... (Setting Quotes)
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can’t get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, your not setting big enough goals. (Setting Quotes)
It’s not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers: it’s what they’re born to do. If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily. (Setting Quotes)
I think I have a God complex, and I like moving mountains and writing stories that affect entire worlds, and it’s a bit hard to do that in a contemporary setting because you have reality intruding. Whereas, when you set your own reality, you can make up your own rules and do whatever you like. (Setting Quotes)
Whence it follows that God is absolutely perfect, since perfection is nothing but magnitude of positive reality, in the strict sense, setting aside the limits or bounds in things which are limited. (Setting Quotes)
In Baltimore, I was walking with a friend who was playing at a pub he kept referring to as the Horse. But when I saw the sign ‘The Horse You Came In On’ - I thought, ‘My God.’ I had no intention of ever setting a Jury novel in the U.S., but when I saw that, I thought, ‘That’s it.’ The names are very important. (Setting Quotes)
There are so many fantastic stories and I want to bring Thor and Odin and the other gods into the modern world, just like I did with the Greeks and ‘Percy Jackson.’ I’ll give the books an urban setting and have young people interacting with the Norse gods. (Setting Quotes)
Exactly what are you wanting to teach your children? -How to love and care for themselves, or how to neglect and abandon themselves? Self-sarifice is NOT setting a good example. (Setting Quotes)
The socialism of our day has done good service in setting men to thinking how certain civilizing benefits, now only enjoyed by theopulent, can be enjoyed by all. (Setting Quotes)
I think, my own personal view is there should be higher and higher levels of autonomy; government should not interfere in setting up colleges, in running colleges. The market, the society will decide which is a good university, which is not a good university, rather than government mandating. (Setting Quotes)
The art lies in setting the inner life into the most violent motion with the smallest possible expenditure of outer life; for it is the inner life which is the real object of our interest - The task of the novelist is not to narrate great events but to make small ones interesting. (Setting Quotes)
I have a terrible lifestyle. And I don’t really see it changing. Maybe in 10 years I’ll see it differently - I’ll want to see my great-grandchildren and live forever. But right now, young Brittany is not setting things up for old Brittany. And young Brittany does not care. (Setting Quotes)
These days I love to take in the sunset because every time I do so I remember how lucky I am to be alive. That’s a great relationship to have with the setting sun. (Setting Quotes)
Generate great impressions. This is a direct result of setting higher standards for yourself in your speech, dress, living environment, grooming, etiquette, study, research and commitment. (Setting Quotes)
I think that providing obstructions in the live setting is when you get something that actually means something, as opposed to just aping your way through your greatest hits. (Setting Quotes)
Indian monks were the first to choose the garden as the proper setting for their lives, which were devoted to the contemplation of the divine; but with a prophetic eye we may see that the garden will often be dedicated in a like manner: at a later time Greek philosophers, and monks in early Christian days, will retire into their gardens for united, yet silent, contemplation. (Setting Quotes)
To be effective, leaders must have the qualities and attitudes essential to work in a group setting. (Setting Quotes)
Thousands of years of human history have shown that the ideal setting for children to grow up is with a mother and a father committed to one another, living together, and sharing the responsibility of raising their children. (Setting Quotes)
I enjoy all kinds of music. But it is kind of strange when I do parodies, instead of setting up drums and guitar amps. (Setting Quotes)
My must-have hair products are Phyto silk spray and Kusco-Murphy setting lotion (Setting Quotes)