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Setting Quotes

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Nay, then, farewell! I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness; and from that full meridian of my glory, I haste now to my setting. I shall fall like a bright exhalation in the evening, and no man see me more  (Setting Quotes) Truth has to appear only once, in one single mind, for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze  (Setting Quotes) Space, like time, engenders forgetfulness; but it does so by setting us bodily free from our surroundings and giving us back our primitive, unattached state  (Setting Quotes) I would rather label the whole enterprise of setting a biological value upon groups for what it is: irrelevant, intellectually unsound, and highly injurious  (Setting Quotes) Never in history was there a method devised of such efficacy for setting each country's advantage at variance with it's neighbours as the international gold (or, formerly, silver) standard  (Setting Quotes) To me, if a heterosexual has a right to do it, then I have a right to do it. And if it's important to the gay youth - who are now setting the agenda - then it's important to me  (Setting Quotes) The NBA's chosen ones think I'm setting a bad example? I think they need to look around and stop taking themselves so seriously  (Setting Quotes) A fool who has a flash of wit creates astonishment and scandal, like hack horses setting out to gallop  (Setting Quotes) Love means setting aside walls, fences, and unlocking doors and saying ‘yes.’ One can be in paradise by simply saying ‘yes’ to this moment  (Setting Quotes) The sky over London was glorious, ochre and madder, as though a dozen tropic suns were simultaneously setting round the horizon... Everywhere the shells sparkled like Christmas baubles  (Setting Quotes) It begins to look, more and more disturbingly, as if the gift of language is the single human trait that marks us all genetically, setting us apart from all the rest of life  (Setting Quotes) A lot of my friends are club people. It’s not me. It’s funny to represent that, because it’s not me. I don’t fit into a gay club setting. It’s just ironic that I represent that somehow  (Setting Quotes) For nine years I worked to change what was hairdressing then into a geometric art form with color, perm without setting which had never been done before  (Setting Quotes) Human beings exercise responsibilities within a social setting and a framework of obligations which transcend the principle of intelligence  (Setting Quotes) I have my parents to thank for that, they raised me to be active and play all sports. They taught me the importance of staying healthy, being focused and setting goals in whatever I do  (Setting Quotes) I love biomedical science, I love astronomy, and you can’t really do much with those in a fantasy setting  (Setting Quotes) I never could have achieved the success that I have without setting physical activity and health goals  (Setting Quotes) My first recognition of age setting in was exactly on my 36th birthday. I have no idea why, on this day of all days, I looked in the mirror and realized my face no longer looked young  (Setting Quotes) The parent knows instinctively that if they’re working and setting an example for their child that means that child is more likely to be in school, more likely to stay out of trouble and more likely to complete their education  (Setting Quotes) The team architecture means setting up an organization that helps people produce that great work in teams  (Setting Quotes) To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude  (Setting Quotes) I think setting a goal, getting a visual image of what it is you want. You’ve got to see what it is you want to achieve before you can pursue it  (Setting Quotes) The idea of kids helping other kids is such a great way to introduce children to being involved in charitable causes and volunteer work, setting them on the path to doing good for others throughout their lives  (Setting Quotes) In setting out the walls of a city the choice of a healthy situation is of the first importance: it should be on high ground, neither subject to fogs nor rains; its aspects should be neither violently hot nor intensely cold, but temperate in both respects  (Setting Quotes) The live setting is always better for me. I usually thrive at live. I feel like having a band behind me and being able to interact with the crowd helps boost my energy up  (Setting Quotes) The gentleman puts me in mind of an old hen which persists in setting after her eggs are taken away  (Setting Quotes) Life has a way of setting things in order and leaving them be. Very tidy, is life  (Setting Quotes) A single prop that does not look real to an audience can louse you up. The same is true of the smallest flaw in setting up the motivation in a story line  (Setting Quotes) We’ve always been the development project that lived in a time pressured setting and always where commercial entities were relying heavily on releases in a certain time frame  (Setting Quotes) The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself  (Setting Quotes)
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