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Sexually Quotes

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Our lawns manifest our cultural desire: they are static, they are artificial, and they are kept sexually immature  (Sexually Quotes) I'm not the type of guy who enjoys one night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical. It's not even fun sexually. I need to feel something for the woman and entertain the vain hope that it may lead to a relationship  (Sexually Quotes) I’m just really confident sexually, and I think that sort of oozes out of my pores. It’s just there. It’s something I don’t have to turn on  (Sexually Quotes) A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that  (Sexually Quotes) You don’t have to be age 20 and size zero to be sexually viable or viable as a woman  (Sexually Quotes) I’ve been playing sexually aware women most of my life. At this point I expected to be playing moms and wives. It’s exciting to play a femme fatale  (Sexually Quotes) Those most likely to be raped or sexually assaulted are young women between the ages of 16 and 24, women with their whole lives ahead of them. This one act of violence will alter their lives forever  (Sexually Quotes) Let’s suppose somebody abused you sexually. You still had a choice, though not a good one, about what to tell yourself about the abuse  (Sexually Quotes) I’m a sexually liberated woman that earned that liberation. I am very proud of the fact that I feel comfortable in certain forums discussing sex  (Sexually Quotes) One of the speakers asked how many women had been harassed or abused sexually in their life? There were thousands of women in the audience, and almost every one of them raised her hand  (Sexually Quotes) Let women issue a declaration of independence sexually, and absolutely refuse to cohabit with men until they are acknowledged as equals in everything, and the victory would be won in a single week  (Sexually Quotes) Over 13 percent of women in college have reported being a victim of stalking during the school year, and one out of every five college women has reported being sexually assaulted. It is simple to talk about statistics. It is more difficult to remember that each number is a victim and represents a daughter, a sister or a friend  (Sexually Quotes) My weirdness aside, if I am to find any friends, particularly a girlfriend, she will almost certainly have to be a human. My previous track record tends to suggest that of all species that exist on the planet, it has so far been exclusively humans to whom I find myself sexually attracted. This is a good thing legally if nothing else  (Sexually Quotes) You know, it’s flattering when there’s a rumor that says I’m bisexual. It means I can play more kinds of roles. I’m open to whatever people want to call me. I’ve never really been attracted to men sexually, but I don’t think I would be afraid of it if it happened  (Sexually Quotes) It would be rare to find a woman who hadn’t endured some kind of ridicule for stepping out of line. When the market dictates that a woman’s value is primarily attached to her looks and deferential behaviour, it’s the threat of sexually degrading insults that help to keep her in check  (Sexually Quotes) Romantic love is sexually passionate love. Romance uses sexual intimacy to create or amplify closeness and mutual fulfillment  (Sexually Quotes) Domestic violence does not only happen to adults. Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend, and approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and sexually abused by a dating partner  (Sexually Quotes) Kids today are much more independant than their parents were. We’re really into getting jobs and we mature sexually much earlier than a generation ago. Or, at least, we are involved in sex earlier  (Sexually Quotes) I have dated and have had sex with men and women and have to say that the relationships I have had with certain women have been much more fulfilling, sexually and emotionally, than of those with certain men. I connect with an aura, with energy. And if the person with whom I connect happens to be a female, that’s just the way it is. That’s what makes my wheels turn  (Sexually Quotes) There must be a certain look of availability in the women I photograph. I think the woman who gives the appearance of being available is sexually much more exciting than a woman who’s completely distant. This sense of availability I find erotic  (Sexually Quotes) Communities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges?  (Sexually Quotes) I am not sexually attracted to women. I would rather sleep with an ugly man than with a woman  (Sexually Quotes) Its not that I like men sexually, just that I can admit when they are beautiful. But sexually I need a woman  (Sexually Quotes) It’s time to teach our daughters that their ability to be good people depends on their being good people, not on whether or not they’re sexually active  (Sexually Quotes) Today, we turn to one person to provide what an entire village once did: a sense of grounding, meaning, and continuity. At the same time, we expect our committed relationships to be romantic as well as emotionally and sexually fulfilling. Is it any wonder that so many relationships crumble under the weight of it all?  (Sexually Quotes) The more you face the truth, the angrier you will probably become. You have a right to be angry about being sexually abused. You have a right to be angry with the perpetrator, regardless of who it was, how long ago the sexual abuse occurred, or how much he/she has changed  (Sexually Quotes) I’ve seen couples that were having a hard times sexually try cannabis and have it just open their vibes until they were able to reestablish the thing that made them want to be together in the first place. They repaired their relationship with the increased communication grass brings. I’ve seen a fair amount of that  (Sexually Quotes) The sense that thousands and millions of children and young people are being sexually violated and that there’s this huge silence about it around me angers me  (Sexually Quotes) You are sexually pure when no sexual gratification comes from anyone or anything but your wife  (Sexually Quotes) Maca boosts sex drive like crazy. And if there’s any side effect, some people just have to stop taking it because they get so sexually stimulated... Kind of makes you feel a little like a superhero  (Sexually Quotes)
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