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Our commitment should be to leave our environment in better shape than when we found it, our nation’s fiscal house in better order, our public infrastructure in better repair, and our people better educated and healthier. To indulge in immediate gratification and exploitation is an insult to previous generations, who sacrificed for us, and thievery from the next generation, who depend on our virtue  (Shape Quotes) As often as not our whole self... engages itself in the most trivial of things, the shape of a particular hill, a road in the town in which we lived as children, the movement of wind in grass. The things we shall take with us when we die will nearly all be small things  (Shape Quotes) Tired? I don’t think so. I’m in such good shape that I could box even 25 rounds  (Shape Quotes) Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives  (Shape Quotes) I think it’s healthy when fitness experts encourage fitness rather than getting a certain body shape  (Shape Quotes) Never let a few people that don’t get you, shape you, into their limited knowledge of what you can become  (Shape Quotes) I’ve been in a poor physical shape many times in my career and I’ve had some of my best results. My best performances happened because my mind was in the right place. The mind is definitely stronger than the body  (Shape Quotes) I’m grateful for the road. It gets me in shape. I feel like I’m 25 years old after ther first or second week  (Shape Quotes) Human language has a vocabulary suited to our daily needs and functions: the shape of any human language maps approximately to the needs and activities of our mundane lives. But few would deny that there is another dimension of human existence which transcends the mundane: call it the soul, the spirit: it is that part of the human frame which sees the shimmer of the numinous  (Shape Quotes) It’s wrong to believe that you need a certain physical body type to run. All body types can run. It’s not about your legs, muscles, or cellulite. It’s not about the physical side of things. If you train your brain, your body will follow. It’s that simple. The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape  (Shape Quotes) Yoga’s supreme objective is to awaken an exalted state of spiritual realization, yet the tradition also teaches you how to live and how to shape your life with a commanding sense of purpose, capacity, and meaning. In the end, yoga has less to do with what you can do with your body and more to do with the happiness that unfolds from realizing your full potential  (Shape Quotes) Through fear of knowing who we really are we sidestep our own destiny, which leaves us hungry in a famine of our own making... we end up living numb, passionless lives, disconnected from our soul’s true purpose. But when you have the courage to shape your life from the essence of who you are, you ignite, becoming truly alive  (Shape Quotes) Treat yourself like an overweight, out of shape person and that’s what you will be. Why not train and treat yourself like an athlete?  (Shape Quotes) Even in our best shape we are a brittle piece of mortality. Your life is a breath, don’t waste it  (Shape Quotes) When you believe in yourself more than you believe in food, you will stop using food as if it were your only chance at not falling apart. When the shape of your body no longer matches the shape of your beliefs, the weight disappears. And yes, it really is that simple  (Shape Quotes) We must act to shape and mold the future, and leave our imprint on events as they slip past into history  (Shape Quotes) On every journey you take, you are met with options. At every fork in the road, you make a choice. These are the decisions that shape your life  (Shape Quotes) You have to want it, you have to plan for it, you have to fit it into a busy day, you have to be mentally tough, you have to use others to help you. The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape  (Shape Quotes) When one is still and listens, one begins to be in touch with a mysterious element that is within each of us, which can transform and shape us and can help to transform the world  (Shape Quotes) It’s downright undignified how many blazers I’ve bought over the years. And will continue to buy. They immediately give shape and add authority. With the perfect blazer, anything is possible  (Shape Quotes) There are a lot of great athletes who stop working out, and they get out of shape like everybody else in their 30s and 40s  (Shape Quotes) As kids, our experiences shape our opinions of ourselves and the world around us, and that’s who we become as adults  (Shape Quotes) Your life starts to take shape at 30. You don’t have to make excuses for who you are anymore  (Shape Quotes) What is drawing? Not once in describing the shape of the mass did I shift my eyes from the model. Why? Because I wanted to be sure that nothing evaded my grasp of it... My objective is to test to what extent my hands already feel what my eyes see  (Shape Quotes) I have a respect for family pride. If it be a prejudice, it is a prejudice in its most picturesque shape. But I hold it is connected with some of the noblest feelings in our nature  (Shape Quotes) I always say that if she treats her kids half as good as she treats the dogs, they’ll be in great shape  (Shape Quotes) Like all our memories, we like to take it out once in a while and lay it flat on the kitchen table, the way my wife does with her sewing patterns, where we line up the shape of our lives against that which we thought it would be by now  (Shape Quotes) A lot of us lead relatively sedentary lifestyles, so you have to motivate yourself and force yourself to go to the gym and do active things. The folks that have figured it out, found that thing that they love and made it a big part of their lives, it’s easy for them to stay in shape  (Shape Quotes) It’s hard to give a dramatic shape to even the most dramatic life... you are forced not just into selectivity, but into alteration, distortion and outright lying about what did and didn’t happen  (Shape Quotes) And I would stop and take you in, all of you, and when our eyes lock we’d just stare into each other’s souls and all of the lost time would come out in the shape of a big smile, a few tears and a tight hug that feels like... I don’t know, it would feel like home  (Shape Quotes)
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