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I take care of my voice; I’m working out the way I would do my body, so that stays in shape  (Shape Quotes) I work extremely hard in the weight room, and also on the court to get better and make sure I keep my body in shape  (Shape Quotes) If you really want to get in shape, you can’t have those days where you feel weak  (Shape Quotes) I certainly hope my music is in no way, shape or form influenced by anything that would be known as a jam band. If it is, then I’m going to do something else  (Shape Quotes) One of my modeling bookers told me that the most important thing is to try to be vigilant about taking care of yourself. Get sleep, don’t be afraid to trim your hair even if you’re trying to grow it out, don’t bite your fingernails, and stay in shape. A lot of it is in the little things  (Shape Quotes) You must respect people and work hard to be in shape. And I used to train very hard. When the others players went to the beach after training, I was there kicking the ball  (Shape Quotes) It is within the family that children learn the values that will guide them for the rest of their lives. It is within the family that they form their earliest relationships, learn to communicate with others and interact with the world around them. It is within the family that the notion of human rights becomes a reality lived on a daily basis. If tolerance, respect and equity permeate family life, they will translate into values that shape societies, nations and the world  (Shape Quotes) What people tell me they take away from my books is that they can shape their lives, they can achieve their own dreams. And certainly that’s what I want them to take away  (Shape Quotes) I know when I’ve been playing a lot of golf it takes me a while to get back into cricket again. It’s not so much the different shape of the swings, more the fact that you are stationary when you hit a golf ball. In cricket you have to move forward or back, which is an instinctive timing thing  (Shape Quotes) It is not the part of divinity to go to humanity and to modify itself in any shape, manner or form; rather it is up to humanity to make itself available to divinity  (Shape Quotes) Allow the emptiness inherent within actions and experiences to guide and shape your choices. Let your actions direct you, the actor, not the other way around  (Shape Quotes) I try to find nice chord changes, that’s how I love to start, and then I start trying to knock it into a song, knock it into shape  (Shape Quotes) When somebody listens and laughs, you’re always in better shape than when you’re with those folks who just kind of look at you when you say something funny. You wonder if they’re looking at you because they’re mad that they didn’t say it or something. It’s hard to handle that  (Shape Quotes) As teenagers, we all see ourselves as outsiders... and it’s very easy to look at other people who are more popular, who have more pocket money, and it makes you feel even more like an outsider, and it does shape who you become as a person  (Shape Quotes) What is perfection anyway in the physical? It is an idea we have. When it doesn’t happen we get all bent out of shape and frustrated and angry and then unhappy, we take it out on everybody  (Shape Quotes) When you see someone’s aura, it is an outer reflection of the subtle physical body. It is about the same shape as the physical body, although it can become thousands of things  (Shape Quotes) You’re starting to see new record companies and business models taking shape, but it takes time  (Shape Quotes) Local television is a slightly different story. It is under much more pressure in the same way that all local businesses are, whether that’s a local newspaper, local radio or local television. But I think television in the aggregate is actually in very good shape  (Shape Quotes) I know electric knives are excellent for carving turkeys that have had their bones removed and been forced into a mold to shape them. Please note that those turkeys are called hams  (Shape Quotes) I am a believer, I am believer that we shape and create the life that we choose, and I believe that the tool that we have to do that, is our mind  (Shape Quotes) This desire to fashion, to shape, a self and a life has all but gone from a contemporary culture whose emphasis, paradoxically enough, is so much on self  (Shape Quotes) Require nothing unreasonable of your officers and men, but see that whatever is required be punctually complied with. Reward and punish every man according to his merit, without partiality or prejudice; hear his complaints; if well founded, redress them; if otherwise, discourage them, in order to prevent frivolous ones. Discourage vice in every shape, and impress upon the mind of every man, from the first to the lowest, the importance of the cause, and what it is they are contending for  (Shape Quotes) When I committed to playing a little tennis in some exhibitions, it was the best thing for me. It got me in shape. It got me out of the house. It got me doing something I love to do  (Shape Quotes) Make yourself your role model, because people who do not have qualities depend on the qualities of others to shape their own qualities  (Shape Quotes) Race cars, no matter what size or shape they are, they do the same things. It is not complicated  (Shape Quotes) I do think that exercise is important, not only to keep you in shape but also for your state of mind. However, I am not fanatical about it  (Shape Quotes) Fiction seems to be more effective at changing beliefs than nonfiction, which is designed to persuade through argument and evidence. Studies show that when we read nonfiction, we read with our shields up. We are critical and skeptical. But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard. We are moved emotionally, and this seems to make us rubbery and easy to shape  (Shape Quotes) Physically my brain is in great shape. My motor functions are fine, but I think going through the whole ordeal... coming pretty close to death, may have affected my priorities  (Shape Quotes) A basic is an introduction. A fundamental is a foundation. A fundamental is a premise, idea, or fact that an entire system arises from and is based on. A fundamental determines the shape of what arises from it, much as a foundation of a house dictates its layout. A basic is how you introduce people you are teaching to the system. It is a beginning concept, often simplified to assist learning. If a fundamental is the foundation, a basic is the front door to enter the system  (Shape Quotes) The camera machine cannot evade the objects which are in front of it. When the photographer selects this movement, the light, the objects, he must be true to them. If he includes in his space a strip of grass, it must be felt as the living differentiated thing it is and so recorded. It must take its proper but no less important place as a shape and a texture in relationship to the mountain tree or what not, which are included  (Shape Quotes)
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