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If you have the attitude of a young person and you work like a young person and you keep your body in shape, and if you believe that you can do it, then you can actually make other people also believe that you can do it  (Shape Quotes) I string sounds together. But to string them I have to remember a bunch of old ones I heard somewhere and then juggle them into a new rhythm and shape  (Shape Quotes) Stay in shape. And remember, daily exercise is a must. Plan for it, and do it. The rewards will be well worth it  (Shape Quotes) It’s made me want to find a hole in the world, in the shape of me, and just fill it up  (Shape Quotes) To be an artist is to take responsibility for the world’s destiny. You shape it by your vision  (Shape Quotes) I am nature. Nature is me. What I create is what I must create. That I create it is fundamental. I am both anonymous and very precious since I belong to all growth which is life. Therefore I must grow well. What I shape I must shape well  (Shape Quotes) Sometimes I had to force the overpainting of three corners almost without any feeling for shape, almost without inspiration, only to find my way back, to get out of this hell  (Shape Quotes) I have settled down in this border area; I am trying to find distinct standards of shape, and I long to experience, formulate, and evoke this dark, heavy, tranquillity  (Shape Quotes) I could only relax when there was just one tiny white last spot left. I could see more clearly. I could grasp the shape of the picture again... The pictures are alive because of the white remnant, the almost concealment  (Shape Quotes) You have to be disciplined because if you lose your discipline and lose your shape, we’re playing against better players, so they’ll take advantage  (Shape Quotes) Because I want to have my arm in good shape, I need to have my legs in good shape. Without a leg, there is no arm  (Shape Quotes) There is nothing constant in the universe. All ebb and flow, and every shape that’s born, bears in its womb the seeds of change  (Shape Quotes) Samadhi is an experience of such depth, such joy, such indifference and such love, that nothing else is really like it or worthwhile in comparison, yet it gives shape, color and meaning to everything  (Shape Quotes) You have to be in good shape, basically. And then, you have to have a certain craziness, if you’re going to do some of the action things  (Shape Quotes) I try to stay in the best physical shape that I can because I do most of my own stunts. It looks amazing if you can do it, but I don’t advocate it because you always get injured  (Shape Quotes) Art is magic, not logic. This craze for the logical spirit in irrational shape is part of the present harmful mania for uniformity  (Shape Quotes) The fault we admit to is seldom the fault we have, but it has a certain relationship to it, a somewhat similar shape, like that of a sleeve to an arm  (Shape Quotes) The difference between writing a story and simply relating past events is that a story, in order to be acceptable, must have shape and meaning. It is the old idea that art is the bringing of order out of chaos  (Shape Quotes) Art and psychoanalysis give shape and meaning to life and that is why we adore them, but life as it is lived has no shape and meaning  (Shape Quotes) Art is a framework, a kind of living trellis, on which public dreaming can shape itself  (Shape Quotes) Life had a different shape; it had new branches and some of the old branches were dead  (Shape Quotes) I am not reinventing myself. I am going through the layers and revealing myself. I am on a journey, an adventure that’s constantly changing shape  (Shape Quotes) As so often happens in marriage, roles that had begun almost playfully, to give line and shape to our lives, had hardened like suits of armor and taken us prisoner  (Shape Quotes) I don’t believe in playing around much with suit cuts. I like a fairly classic shape that gives a man strong shoulders, a fitted waist, and long legs. Classic simplicity always works  (Shape Quotes) There are three things I commit to on a daily basis: Exercising for an hour a day, tops. Never skipping meals. And accepting the size and shape I was born with  (Shape Quotes) In a cookie factory, different cookies are baked in the shape of animals, cars, people, and airplanes. They all have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same dough, and they all taste the same  (Shape Quotes) Our presuppositions shape our perspective, our perspective shapes our priorities, and our priorities shape our practice  (Shape Quotes) Resistance really takes the shape, for me, in voices in my head telling me why I can’t do something or why I should put it off for another day, procrastinate for another day  (Shape Quotes) We are the shadow cast by real people. And that shadow changes shape as the news cycle changes shape, so you always have fresh dirt to dig in  (Shape Quotes) The family you were raised in, the time period you were born in, and the part of the country you’re in absolutely shape your view on sex, which shapes a huge part of anybodys personality  (Shape Quotes)
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