Shape Quotes

Text Quotes
Why bastard? Wherefore base? When my dimensions are as well compact, my mind as generous and my shape as true As honest madam's issue? (Shape Quotes)
So did this horse excel a common one In shape, in courage, color, pace and bone... What a horse should have he did not lack, save a proud rider on so proud a back (Shape Quotes)
I will tell you: he beat me grievously, in the shape of a woman; for in the shape of a man, master Brook, I fear not Goliath with a weaver's beam, because I know also life is a shuttle (Shape Quotes)
I believe that history has shape, order, and meaning; that exceptional men, as much as economic forces, produce change; and that passe abstractions like beauty, nobility, and greatness have a shifting but continuing validity (Shape Quotes)
What man dare, I dare. Approach thou like the rugged russian bear, the armed rhinoceros, or th' hyrcan tiger; take any shape but that, and my firm nerves shall never tremble (Shape Quotes)
In our system leadership is by consent, not command. To lead a President must persuade. Personal contacts and experiences help shape his thinking. They can be critical to his persuasiveness and thus to his leadership (Shape Quotes)
Do you know what a man is? Are not birth, beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning, gentleness, virtue, youth, liberality, and such like, the spice and salt that season a man? (Shape Quotes)
If you're not a real chameleon of an actor and if you're not one of those guys who can really shape change themselves all the time, one of the ways to keep pushing yourself and keep changing is to be in different kinds of movies (Shape Quotes)
A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep (Shape Quotes)
Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures (Shape Quotes)
Yeah, we pretty much had a form and a shape by that time - a style - and I think one of the advantages of not having any relationship to any other puppeteer was that it gave me a reason to put those together myself for the needs of television (Shape Quotes)
Virtue, as it never will be moved, though lewdness court it in a shape of heav'n; so lust, though to a radiant angel link'd, will sate itself in a celestial bed, and prey on garbage (Shape Quotes)
Millions of men have lived to fight, build palaces and boundaries, shape destinies and societies; but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit (Shape Quotes)
To represent your country at a home Olympics is something special and I'm over the moon to be selected for Team GB. I was pleased to get the qualifying time in Berlin earlier this year and my sole focus is getting in the right shape for London (Shape Quotes)
Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant, Beowulf or St. George slaying the Dragon, Harry Potter triumphing over the basilisk. That is their inner grammar, and the whole shape of the story leads towards it (Shape Quotes)
I got a fantastic person to work me out and get me into really good shape (Shape Quotes)
You choose to go voluntarily into the fire. The blaze might well destroy you. But if you survive, every blow of the hammer will serve to shape your being. Every drop of water wrung from you will temper and strengthen your soul (Shape Quotes)
I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing (Shape Quotes)
We do not believe, or we forget, that the Holy Ghost came down, not in shape of a vulture, but in the form of a dove (Shape Quotes)
There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will. Behind that outside pattern the dim shapes get clearer every day. It is always the same shape, only very numerous. And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern (Shape Quotes)
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to Earth, from Earth to heaven; and as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shape, and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name; such tricks hath strong imagination (Shape Quotes)
Women's particular experiences continue to shape not just their points of view but their actions, in the United States and around the world (Shape Quotes)
The classifications made by philosophers and psychologists are like trying to classify clouds by their shape (Shape Quotes)
Angels and ministers of grace defend us. Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven, or blasts from hell, be thy intents wicked, or charitable, thou com'st in such a questionable shape, that I will speak to thee (Shape Quotes)
Human beings are not like sheep; and even sheep are not undistinguishably alike. A man cannot get a coat or a pair oboots to fit him, unless they are either made to his measure, or he has a whole warehouseful to choose from: and is it easier to fit him with a life than with a coat, or are human beings more like one another in their whole physical and spiritual conformation than in the shape of their feet? If it were only that people have diversities of taste, that is reason enough for not attempting to shape them all after one model (Shape Quotes)
History shows that great economic and social forces flow like a tide over communities only half conscious of that which is befalling them. Wise statesmen foresee what time is thus bringing, and try to shape institutions and mold men's thoughts and purposes in accordance with the change that is silently coming on. The unwise are those who bring nothing constructive to the process, and who greatly imperil the future of mankind by leaving great questions to be fought out between ignorant change on one hand and ignorant opposition to change on the other (Shape Quotes)
The spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the Devil hath power t' assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me (Shape Quotes)
It's totally different from last year because I came in with good shape with no health worries so it was about going out there and running well and enjoying it (Shape Quotes)
Look when a painter would surpass the like In limning out a well proportioned steed, his art with nature's workmanship at strife, as if the dead the living should exceed - so did this horse excel a common one In shape, in courage, color, pace, and bone (Shape Quotes)
I am running through a snowfall which is her thighs, he dramatized in purple. Her thighs are filling up the street. Wide as a snowfall, heavy as huge falling Zeppelins, her damp thighs are settling on the sharp roofs and wooden balconies. Weather-vanes press the shape of roosters and sail-boats into the skin. The faces of famous statues are preserved like intaglios (Shape Quotes)