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Evening the playing field for women workers is a matter of fairness and with women now providing a significant share of their family’s income, it is a family issue  (Share Quotes) I come from a family of cops, and all of them share that understanding that they put their lives on the line  (Share Quotes) As I grew up in that world and saw how much it affected her world and how much it affected our childhood, it made me very aware of politics. Of course, I have my own private feelings and thoughts, but I don’t care to share them  (Share Quotes) Apartment living is tough action. Just the whole idea that you share a washer and dryer always freaked me out  (Share Quotes) Also, schools share some responsibility and should offer helpful orientations that include general information about such recruitment efforts on their campuses  (Share Quotes) A writer writes not because he is educated but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate is the need to share. Behind the need to share is the need to be understood  (Share Quotes) I’m all for sharing music, but when people can download a whole record and pay nothing for it and then they share it with 100,000 other people, it’s breaking down the whole business  (Share Quotes) I like to share my life, and spend time with someone I love. That has worked 100 per cent with my wife  (Share Quotes) I jump out of perfectly good airplanes, and it’s a great thrill and it allows me to share in the dangers that our great men and women in uniform share in on a regular basis  (Share Quotes) Well, I enjoy sharing in the dangers that we ask our men and women in uniform to share in almost every day  (Share Quotes) I wanted to share my life story and honor my roots. I am very proud of my family and mother  (Share Quotes) To help, to continually help and share, that is the sum of all knowledge; that is the meaning of art  (Share Quotes) All leaders share something in common. They feel they are the only ones who can do the job  (Share Quotes) Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements  (Share Quotes) Finding the one is not just a feeling, it’s an educated guess. I feel like I chose someone to share my life with who is my friend  (Share Quotes) There are those moments when you shake someone’s hand, have a conversation with someone, and suddenly your all bound together because you share your humanity in one simple moment  (Share Quotes) I think cookies are sort of the unsung sweet, you know? They’re incredibly popular. But everybody thinks of cakes and pies and fancier desserts before they think cookies. A plate of cookies is a great way to end dinner and really nice to share at the holidays  (Share Quotes) I’ve traveled around the world and made love with many satisfied women. So I decided to share my story  (Share Quotes) We only have two things that we share in this life; we are born and we die. And what we do in between those times, we’ve got to be happy. I don’t let the outside world deter me  (Share Quotes) In their work, then, as in their play, men and women are more and more coming to share with each other as comrades, and really the fun of life seems in no wise diminished as a consequence  (Share Quotes) I think some people wished I’d kept myself out of the book. But I kind of insist on it because I want the reader to share my engagement with the material, if you like, not pretend that I’m doing it completely intellectually  (Share Quotes) Those who have prospered and profited from life’s lottery have a moral obligation to share their good fortune  (Share Quotes) I share their frustration at times and I get down just like them when we suffer a bad result  (Share Quotes) When you share your last crust of bread with a beggar, you mustn’t behave as if you were throwing a bone to a dog. You must give humbly, and thank him for allowing you to have a part in his hunger  (Share Quotes) I come here not as a polished politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life’s knocks  (Share Quotes) The rational man finds that his share of the cost of the wastes he discharges into the commons is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before releasing them  (Share Quotes) There has to be some limit to what lawyers can take from their clients. Otherwise, cagey attorneys end up with the lion’s share of the settlement and the victims end up with little more than scraps  (Share Quotes) Given the fact that most religions share basic values, it is most unfortunate that religious people can be played off against each other so easily. One possible reason for this may be that people do not know enough about other people’s beliefs  (Share Quotes) I wrote the book because I wanted to be able to share some things that I had learned and as pompous as that may sound, as you get to a certain point in life, you figure so what am I doing?  (Share Quotes) The band projects just took natural priority. I didn’t really have a solo career, just wanted to share the music in another way and to learn more about writing, recording, etcetera  (Share Quotes)
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