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I believe scientists have a duty to share the excitement and pleasure of their work with the general public, and I enjoy the challenge of presenting difficult ideas in an understandable way  (Share Quotes) It is the lot of man to share in the deeper aspirations of the universe around him and to share his own destiny as well as that of the universe, now by adjusting himself to its forces, now by putting the whole of his energy to his own ends and purposes  (Share Quotes) People who get involved with the success of something have to be given at least some share of that success  (Share Quotes) If you write fiction, you’re by yourself. There are certain advantages to that in that you don’t have to explain anything to anybody. But when you get in with others who share the loneliness of the whole enterprise, you’re not lonely anymore  (Share Quotes) It’s odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don’t quite fully share the hell of someone close to you  (Share Quotes) When I read great literature, great drama, speeches, or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings and thoughts through language  (Share Quotes) I was married for 30 years. Isn’t that enough? I’ve had my share of dirty underwear on the floor  (Share Quotes) When entrepreneurs are free to compete, they grow the pie so that everyone’s share gets larger  (Share Quotes) When I look at designer books I am sometimes puzzled why they don’t share their inspiration, when it’s obvious somebody had such great inspiration  (Share Quotes) We have some real political differences among us, but we all share the same goals: clean air and water, injury free workplaces, safe transportation systems, to name a few of the good things that can come from regulation  (Share Quotes) Generosity makes us happiest. We’ll be happier people when we share, not when we impose, but when we learn from one another. Because when I’m connected to everyone I disappear... in being excellent you lose yourself. And when you’re connected to everyone, that’s the best thing that can happen  (Share Quotes) I want to bring a voice back to the community. I think we haven’t received our fair share of resources  (Share Quotes) We all have a responsibility, and since I’ve been so wonderfully blessed, I really want to share and to make life at least a little better. So every chance I get to share the gospel or uplift people, I will take full advantage of that opportunity  (Share Quotes) It is always an honor to work with those that share your passion for music and just enjoy making great music  (Share Quotes) I have friends, political scientists, sociologists, who all share an interest at least in certain kinds of science fiction  (Share Quotes) A rock band is a mysterious thing. Somehow, every once in a while, a few individuals bump into one another, and they look exactly right together and share a focus and an aspiration and the right balance of musical similarities and differences  (Share Quotes) The problem with the economy isn’t that people aren’t paying their fair share of taxes  (Share Quotes) People haven’t got the interest in long long works these days. A lack of interest which I share  (Share Quotes) People forget that I’m a human being, just because I play a sport that everybody loves. We’re human. We’re not invincible. We share the same feelings and emotions that people on the outside feel. I don’t think people really understand that  (Share Quotes) We share responsibility. It’s important to have a good spouse; that’s where I sympathize with single parents  (Share Quotes) I don’t have a lot to share with other men. My heart sinks when I get into a taxi and someone starts talking to me about football  (Share Quotes) Lawyers are always confident before the verdict. It’s only after that they share their doubts  (Share Quotes) I feel I’d like to share my luck and my life. Being in love is the best thing in the world  (Share Quotes) To all my friends without distinction I am ready to display my opulence: come one, come all; and whosoever likes to take a share is welcome to the wealth that lies within my soul  (Share Quotes) I have invented nothing. I have simply documented a magical alchemy that I want to share  (Share Quotes) The possibility that empathy resides in parts of the brain so ancient that we share them with rats should give pause to anyone comparing politicians with those poor, underestimated creatures  (Share Quotes) In dealing with those who share his bed, the enlightened ruler may enjoy their beauty but should not listen to their special pleas  (Share Quotes) When someone says his conclusions are objective, he means that they are based on prejudices which many other people share  (Share Quotes) Art postulates communion, and the artist has an imperative need to make others share the joy which he experiences himself  (Share Quotes) Through the survival of their children, happy parents are able to think calmly, and with a very practical affection, of a world in which they are to have no direct share  (Share Quotes)
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