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Our community belongs to us and whether it is mean or majestic, whether arrayed in glory or covered in shame, we cannot but share its character and destiny  (Share Quotes) The key is to be happy for no reason. Just be love. Just be it. Just be happy no matter what. Just share your love and know that like it’s all ok  (Share Quotes) In the moment of making films, I want to share my observations of life, not of other films  (Share Quotes) The child should have the advantage of ignorance as well as of knowledge, and is fortunate if he gets his share of neglect and exposure  (Share Quotes) Unhappily, no man exists who has not in his own person become, to some amount, a stockholder in the sin, and so made himself liable to a share in the expiation  (Share Quotes) I still get a lot of letters from kids and parents who face different challenges and disabilities. I share some of the lessons that I learned through sports and baseball, which makes me feel good. It’s incredible to have an impact that way  (Share Quotes) Let the amelioration in our laws of property proceed from the concession of the rich, not from the grasping of the poor. Let us understand that the equitable rule is, that no one should take more than his share, let him be ever so rich  (Share Quotes) I desperately loved my husband and I wanted to share everything together, and I thought that we were a very good team  (Share Quotes) What is most important is to find peace and to share it with others. To have peace, you can begin by walking peacefully. Everything depends on your steps  (Share Quotes) Remember that a share of stock represents a part of a business and is not just a piece of paper  (Share Quotes) When you don’t share your problems, you resent hearing the problems of other people  (Share Quotes) No man can quite emancipate himself from his age and country, or produce a model in which the education, the religion, the politics, usages, and arts, of his times shall have no share  (Share Quotes) The gift of imagination is by no means an exclusive property of the artist; it is a gift we all share; to some degree or other all of us, all of you, are endowed with the powers of fantasy  (Share Quotes) It has never been easy for me to understand why people work so hard to create something beautiful, but then refuse to share it with anyone, for fear of criticism  (Share Quotes) In my lifetime, I’ve met a lot of people who never rode a wave, but we share the same consciousness. Surfing is a kind of a state of mind... I mean, it’s a feeling that people have about their life that really, in a way, kind of makes them a surfer  (Share Quotes) There are days when the great are near us, when there is no frown on their brow, no condescension even; when they take us by the hand, and we share their thought  (Share Quotes) Pride has a greater share than goodness in the reproofs we give other people for their faults; and we chide them not so much to make them mend those faults as to make them believe that we ourselves are without fault  (Share Quotes) Gays feel about popularity the same way teenage girls do. Is it that we really want friends we can count on, or do we just want guys around us whom we can share our curlers with?  (Share Quotes) Europe has to secure its borders and support those in the neighborhood who share our values  (Share Quotes) Peace beings with me. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others  (Share Quotes) Every time we share something rather than own it ourselves, we reduce the stress on the planet. That could make the critical difference as the global population continues to grow  (Share Quotes) Do more than you have to do, more than your share, and do it as well as you can  (Share Quotes) To me, that’s the wealth of my life: my friends and family and the experience I get to share with them  (Share Quotes) The truth is people are very nice. The other truth is, it’s very annoying to be constantly interrupted. I don’t love myself enough to want to share myself with everybody  (Share Quotes) Even if you don’t have anything, even if you’ve got a quarter in your pocket, to share with someone else who has nothing really helps  (Share Quotes) With my employees, if something is wrong and we can figure it out, okay, otherwise goodbye. Your employees are part of your success, so you have to share that, but the guests and the atmosphere have to be happy first  (Share Quotes) I’ve wrecked my fair share of cars. I’ve had my fair share of injuries. If you put too much focus on it or you really worry about it, it’s going to consume you. That’s never good  (Share Quotes) Everything in life influences my music. I’ve always used songwriting as a means to share what I think is profound  (Share Quotes) Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you’ve got something to share  (Share Quotes) I’d like to share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned and hopefully create some amazing, fun courses  (Share Quotes)
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