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Have you found someone to share your heart with? Are you giving to your community? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you trying to be as human as you can be?  (Share Quotes) If all those around you believe some particular thing, you will soon be tempted to share in that belief  (Share Quotes) I wasn’t sure if I was charmed by his reluctance to share a bed with a girl or insulted that, apparently, I wasn’t hot enough for him to charge the mattress like a bull  (Share Quotes) Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs  (Share Quotes) We do not always proclaim loudly the most important thing we have to say. Nor do we always privately share it with those closest to us, our intimate friends, those who have been most devotedly ready to receive our confession  (Share Quotes) I equal parts loved him and could not stand him. I couldn’t wake him to share in my distress  (Share Quotes) ... Writings can be stolen, or changed, or used for evil purposes. But isn’t the risk worth taking? The more people who share knowledge, the greater safeguard for it. Isn’t there more danger in ignorance than knowledge?  (Share Quotes) The impulse to write things down is a peculiarly compulsive one, inexplicable to those who do not share it  (Share Quotes) Talking about someone who makes you happy actually makes you happy. Being happy makes you want to talk, to go over everything, to share it so you can remember it all over again  (Share Quotes) Mass advertising can help build brands, but authenticity is what makes them last. If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand  (Share Quotes) That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane  (Share Quotes) Barfly n. You have the ability to talk to anyone which is an ability I do not share  (Share Quotes) Those who live alone slide into the habit of vertical eating: why bother with the niceties when there’s no one to share or censure? But laxity in one area may lead to derangement in all  (Share Quotes) Nicholas wanted to believe in fairy tales. She’d read her share, hoping for miracles, but in the end, there was no hundred acre wood to play in with her little stuffed animals. There was pain and crushing disillusionment and betrayal  (Share Quotes) Yes. We both have a bad feeling. Tonight we shall take our bad feelings and share them, and face them. We shall mourn. We shall drain the bitter dregs of mortality. Pain shared, my brother, is pain not doubled, but halved. No man is an island  (Share Quotes) He is both the source of my happiness and the one I want to share it with  (Share Quotes) She was his north star, the fixed point round which his world turned. For as long as his heart beat, or hers, he believed they would always share a destiny  (Share Quotes) Home. Wow. I’m already calling it home. Well, isn’t that what any place is? Any place that you share with someone you love, I mean?  (Share Quotes) And then there is our personal history. Memories only we share. Things not another living soul would understand  (Share Quotes) It was terrible. All of the things we couldn’t share. The room was filled with conversations we weren’t having  (Share Quotes) Ka thought it strangely depressing that the suicide girls had had to struggle to find a private moment to kill themselves. Even after swallowing their pills, even as they lay quietly dying, they’d had to share their rooms with others  (Share Quotes) After all, isn’t the purpose of the novel, or of a museum, for that matter, to relate our memories with such sincerity as to transform individual happiness into a happiness all can share?  (Share Quotes) Our eyes met across the crowded room, like in the movies, except we didn’t share a knowing smile and race into each other’s arms. Instead I fell into the trash can  (Share Quotes) All creatures must learn to coexist. That’s why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Of course, they can’t mate or the mice would explode  (Share Quotes) We must love them both, those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject, for both have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us in finding it  (Share Quotes) I want to build a life with someone that’s based on their dreams as well as my dreams. I think that the idea of finding another person to share with is the most fascinating, beautiful quest you could ever be on in life  (Share Quotes) Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress  (Share Quotes) I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly  (Share Quotes) When woman work outside the home and share breadwinning duties, couples are more likely to stay together. In fact, the risk of divorce reduces by about half when a wife earns half the income and a husband does half the housework  (Share Quotes) Disciple making is not a call for others to come to us to hear the gospel but a command for us to go to others to share the gospel  (Share Quotes)
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