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Programming is not a zero-sum game. Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn’t take it away from you. I’m happy to share what I can, because I’m in it for the love of programming  (Share Quotes) The biggest guru-mantra is: never share your secrets with anybody. It will destroy you  (Share Quotes) My sense is that the majority of Conservatives share my reservations about how we got into Iraq  (Share Quotes) You see that it is not at all like Rodin... I share these only with you, don’t show them  (Share Quotes) People are inclined to say that I am Ramona. I’m not sure that’s true, but I did share some experiences with her  (Share Quotes) Each of us has come to share the same point of view, that a global e - marketplace is absolutely essential if we are to drive new levels of efficiency for the industry  (Share Quotes) The only way for writers to meet is to share a quick peek over a common lamp-post  (Share Quotes) This loving greeting is from the man who wants to share, my life, my love, my everything because nothing else compares  (Share Quotes) I think it’s really great that people share their work [on Myspace] and no one is paying for it. I think that’s a very healthy thing and it’s not a corporate thing  (Share Quotes) What I strive to do with songwriting is be really honest, authentic and try to be open and share that with people. I choose that over trying to be clever, poetic, or lyrical  (Share Quotes) I’ve always had lots of friends who share my perspective - I guess you could say that I’m a guy who aggressively pursues his happiness  (Share Quotes) Abundance is a dance with reciprocity - what we can give, what we can share, and what we receive in the process  (Share Quotes) Nobody wants to know what I’m doing 24 hours a day, they’d be painfully bored, trust me. At the same time, if I’m doing something interesting or funny, I like being able to share that with my fans  (Share Quotes) I’ve spent my life trying to be better than I was, and I am a brother to all who share the same aspiration  (Share Quotes) It is not enough to have a light; it must be shared with others! For the darkness to diminish, we must eagerly share the truth!  (Share Quotes) You want to be around guys that you share the same goal with and guys who are thirsty and ready to hunt and get victories  (Share Quotes) It would be pretty impossible for us to separate our personal and professional lives, because so much of what we do comes from how we were raised and what we share and who we are  (Share Quotes) My mother, grandmother and I all have different styles, #8;#29;but we share the same taste  (Share Quotes) Those who have had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty Often have a share in their misfortunes  (Share Quotes) The light and the dark are the same. They share. They really do rub up against each other, and they are extraordinarily familiar with each other. They are actually friends  (Share Quotes) If we mix only a moderate minority share of turds with the raisins each year, probably no one will recognize what will ultimately become a very large collection of turds  (Share Quotes) When you build relationships, you get to share your beliefs. It gives you the opportunity to share your faith with other people  (Share Quotes) Of course we humans have a funny relationship with the beings with whom we share our planet. We eat them, we care for them, we admire them, we use them  (Share Quotes) It is natural for me to ignore autograph seekers, but God wants me to share my testimony card with them and be loving. That power and initiative comes from him  (Share Quotes) Every popular zillion dollar sport has its share of personal scandals around the sport and its leadership  (Share Quotes) Almost all photographers have incurred large expenses in the pursuit of tiny audiences, finding that the wonder they’d hoped to share is something few want to receive  (Share Quotes) I grew up in a fundamentalist protestant family that stressed that we were a select people and so we were to avoid contact with others who did not share our faith  (Share Quotes) The day you’re born, you get the pink slip on YOU. Outright ownership. You must only share that life with those that you and only you choose  (Share Quotes) I’ve definitely done my share of tripping over monitors, etc. but nothing could compare to the time when I totally forgot the beginning of a song that I was starting on stage  (Share Quotes) Nobody thinks identically on Syria. But we share the same view with Russia that the future of the personalities in Syria will be determined by the people of Syria and not by people outside Syria  (Share Quotes)
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