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I try to remember at least twenty to thirty things I’m grateful for every day, and I share those with at least one person that I am super grateful for  (Share Quotes) I’m less comfortable in a gregarious social situation, and you can be introverted and still share everything. It just means that you’re guarded  (Share Quotes) I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share  (Share Quotes) If and when you do decide to share your experience with your husband, it should be because you feel ready to do so, not for any other reason  (Share Quotes) You don’t need to hide the fact that you’re in recovery, but you don’t have to share your history of addiction with acquaintances at work, either  (Share Quotes) Getting to share a project with Anthony Hopkins is incredible. It’s like watching Da Vinci paint or something - you’re reminded why you do what you do  (Share Quotes) We’re committed to giving the independent artists we support the best stage to share their mind-blowing work with audiences  (Share Quotes) I think that the success of the film is as much about it being something that families could share as anything else  (Share Quotes) I understand that I may make mistakes with characters who don’t share my own background, but I commit to doing my best  (Share Quotes) I’m ready and open to meeting the person that hopefully I’ll share my life with. It takes a long time to get to that place  (Share Quotes) I’ve been through a lot. It doesn’t make me enlightened, or this or that, but I’ve had a handful of experiences that have given me some information that I can share with others  (Share Quotes) I think it’s really important to teach our children about their lineage and it especially makes a difference if you share that information while they’re young  (Share Quotes) Some stories we know well and some we learn as we go. Being able to shape and share these stories into new perspectives and new ideas is incredibly gratifying  (Share Quotes) Cooking and baking are pleasures and I want everyone to be able to experience and share them  (Share Quotes) Social media is new to me and I didn’t think I would like it, being very protective of my private space, but it’s nice to connect to the love and positive vibes folks have to share  (Share Quotes) There are certain people that you don’t have to even work at extracting their inner life. It is just there and they’re happy to share it with you  (Share Quotes) I’m trying to teach people not to be selfish. That’s the thing. If you have a good thing share it. Of course we’re not in a sexual relationship  (Share Quotes) I can assure you that everyone that talks to me doesn’t share my views. I seem to be a barometer of public opinion  (Share Quotes) Primarily, Warsaw and Brussels share the central basic values of the EU: human dignity, democracy, and the religious freedom of every single human being. We believe in these values  (Share Quotes) If you were to share your workout playlist with the world, I guarantee there’s stuff on there that wouldn’t pass the cool test, and M2 helped in that way  (Share Quotes) It means a great deal to have the faith and trust of so many people who share the view and vision I have for the USA and I’m going to do everything I can not to let them down  (Share Quotes) There are things that have excited me to no end, and it’s the sharing of knowledge that has come about on the network, and I see at an increasing pace this ability to share what we know  (Share Quotes) The building of America has had its fair share of mistakes, but it’s a constitution that’s the jewel of democracy, the envy of many, and it’s the most generous nation in the world  (Share Quotes) Geometry is one and eternal shining in the mind of God. That share in it accorded to men is one of the reasons that Man is the image of God  (Share Quotes) How small a part of time they share, That are so wondrous sweet and fair  (Share Quotes) People who build hope into their own lives and who share hope with others become powerful people  (Share Quotes) God gives us all talents. Nurture it wisely! Water that gift, to increase and share to others. Be kind, be wise, be grateful  (Share Quotes) I’d like to introduce you to my luxurious summer retreat and the 12 to 14 acquaintances with whom I share it  (Share Quotes) To make your dream a reality at the quickest possible time, work with others who share in the same dream with you  (Share Quotes) True friend helps u discover about urself everyday, coz they always encourage u to share who u’re and what u feel  (Share Quotes)
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