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I hope my unforgettably deranged behavior last summer won’t hinder my access to this year’s share house  (Share Quotes) The distance between us may limit us to seeing each other but the love that we share will pull us through  (Share Quotes) You don’t always have to have the most amazing story. It’s learning to share the story you have that counts  (Share Quotes) Your wealth of joy and happiness is always worth more when you share it with someone special  (Share Quotes) Two people don’t fall in love because they sleep in the same bed, but because they share the same dreams, and the same foundation of trust  (Share Quotes) The man that weds for greedy wealth, he goes a fishing fair, but often times he gets a frog, or very little share  (Share Quotes) You refuse to be honest with yourself, that’s why you never share anything real with somebody else  (Share Quotes) The best thing to do when you fall down is to laugh because you share to people that you won’t fall with out making it positive  (Share Quotes) Be knowledgeable in your niche, provide some information free of charge, and share other trustworthy people’s free resources whenever possible  (Share Quotes) Just because you start to get hurt the moment you begin to care, doesn’t mean you’ve to stop love, share and care  (Share Quotes) I want a relationship where we can act like idiots, talk about the most random stuff, share music, and never get tired of each other  (Share Quotes) Happiness comes from within, your’s to have, your’s to keep, your’s to share  (Share Quotes) Call me selfish. But you’re one of the blessings that I don’t want to share with anyone else  (Share Quotes) Some people come and go and are forgotten. But there are other people who share a part in our destinies. They come, they go, but they are never forgotten  (Share Quotes) All you need is something to do that moves you, a meaningful milestone to aspire to, and someone special to share your journey with  (Share Quotes) I hope I don’t get kicked out of our summer share before your birthday  (Share Quotes) My fans truly are a part of me, we share something that most people will never experience  (Share Quotes) The employees who share innovative ideas may also be the folks who have some hidden talents that would help incorporate their suggestions  (Share Quotes) Fake friends just want to know your business so they can share your business  (Share Quotes) I’m glad we share a sense of humor and an understanding that I’m slightly funnier  (Share Quotes) I knew in my gut that there was something wrong with a system that couldn’t fire its incompetents, and I had my share of incompetent college teachers  (Share Quotes) The real secret of happiness is not what you have or what you receive; it’s what you share  (Share Quotes) Going home is a wonderful vacation from the people I share my summer rental with  (Share Quotes) If a woman is willing to share her problems with you, it’s not to complain, it’s only because she trusts you  (Share Quotes) I will love you always. When your hair turns white, I will still love you. Because all I want is to share my life with you  (Share Quotes) Sometimes all I really want to do is lay in the grass, stare at the night sky and share conversation  (Share Quotes) Share your problems with your partner, the more issues you can get through together, the closer you will get  (Share Quotes) In some cases, the best advice you can share is not in words, but to just to be a living example of all the great stuff  (Share Quotes) We think there is endless time to live but we never know which moment is last. So share, care, love, and celebrate every moment of life  (Share Quotes) As part of my relationship with my wife and my daughter, and we share everything and talk about everything  (Share Quotes)
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