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Charity never lacks what is her own, all that she needs for her own security. Not alone does she have it, she abounds with it. She wants this abundance for herself that she may share it with all; and she reserves enough for herself so that she disappoints nobody. For charity is perfect only when full.  (Share Quotes) I don’t want to make music alone in a dark studio and make me feel awful and depressed. I want to make music and feel happy and get to share it with people.  (Share Quotes) Music is amazing. There’s some metaphysical comfort where it allows you to be isolated and alone while telling you that you are not alone... truly, the only cure for sadness is to share it with someone else.  (Share Quotes) As a writer, I need an enormous amount of time alone. Writing is 90 percent procrastination: reading magazines, eating cereal out of the box, watching infomercials. It’s a matter of doing everything you can to avoid writing, until it is about four in the morning and you reach the point where you have to write. Having anybody watching that or attempting to share it with me would be grisly.  (Share Quotes) I’ve always loved scuba diving and the cell-tickling feel of being underwater, though it poses unique frustrations. Alone, but with others, you may share the same sights and feelings, but you can’t communicate well.  (Share Quotes) You don’t always have to have the most amazing story. It’s learning to share the story you have that counts.  (Share Quotes) We all share beauty. It strikes us indiscriminately. There is no end to the beauty for the person who is aware. Even the cracks between the sidewalk contain geometric patterns of amazing beauty. If we take pictures of them and blow up the photographs, we realize we walk on beauty every day, even when things seem ugly around us.  (Share Quotes) I’ve had an incredible life with a lot of triumphs, my share of heartbreak, and some pretty amazing experiences.  (Share Quotes) I’d like to share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned and hopefully create some amazing, fun courses.  (Share Quotes) The era when the United States was the dominant global power is steadily coming to an end, and it must find a way of acknowledging this and framing its ambitions and interests accordingly. Instead of claiming the right to continuing primacy in east Asia, for example, it should seek to share that primacy with China.  (Share Quotes) Canada and America are very, very different. It’s true that we share a language and many customs. But Americans have a very different view of the world.  (Share Quotes) Immigration is as much about the American experience and the values we share, and a lot more about economics than it is about politics.  (Share Quotes) The Central American isthmus is a region of great contrasts, but also of heartening unison. Millions of men and women share dreams of freedom and progress.  (Share Quotes) It was fairly obvious to anyone who studied the situation that China was dumping bedroom furniture in the U.S. to the detriment of our American workers and manufacturers to gain market access and share.  (Share Quotes) First and foremost I am a commercial writer, and I hope to entertain people. But having said that, I’m in love with the relationship between humans and dogs, and the more I learned about what our military working dogs are doing, I wanted to at least share with people what an important role these animals have in all our lives.  (Share Quotes) Here’s who it’s okay to share a bed with: . . . A heating pad. An empty bag of pita chips. The love of your life.  (Share Quotes) The future of the television industry is changing at an unstoppable rate, and it is exciting to share my experience and thoughts on how this will change the value of content in the digital space.  (Share Quotes) When I wrote Living in the Light, I wanted to share about how I live my own life and to encourage people to tap into their own inner wisdom.  (Share Quotes) I share an office with Jason Sudeikis, and I’m friends with him, so I end up writing for him a lot.  (Share Quotes) The animal liberation movement is saying that where animals and humans have similar interests - we might take the interest in avoiding physical pain as an example, for it is an interest that humans clearly share with other animals - those interests are to be counted equally, with no automatic discount just because one of the beings is not human.  (Share Quotes) May every memory that you share Of dreams you’ve seen come true, Help make this special anniversary day A happy one, for the two of you  (Share Quotes) And for the city’s birthday, we will host events in every neighborhood of the city, inviting all of our residents to share in the celebration of Boston’s great epic - the story of neighbors who support one another where it matters most.  (Share Quotes) Learn to fish (income), share your fish (community service), teach others to fish (multiply yourself). Then find another sidestream, with different fish (diversify income). And before THAT sidestream dries up, plant a garden (manage risk), like Thomas Jefferson (genius) would have done.  (Share Quotes) Getting to share a project with Anthony Hopkins is incredible. It’s like watching Da Vinci paint or something - you’re reminded why you do what you do.  (Share Quotes) When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.  (Share Quotes) Since any reasonable person would choose a Mac over a PC, Apple’s market share provides us with an accurate reading of the percentage of reasonable people in our society.  (Share Quotes) I find that the love we share fills me up and makes me see and appreciate life in a different way  (Share Quotes) I don’t think I could have a genuine relationship with someone who didn’t love to travel and appreciate new foods. Traveling is a big part of my life, and I want to share that with the people close to me.  (Share Quotes) While it’s nice to appreciate the fashion world... what makes you happy are real relationships and the moments you share with loved ones.  (Share Quotes) I’ve worked many jobs throughout my life, which has ultimately enhanced my appreciation for the opportunity to teach yoga and share something so positive.  (Share Quotes)
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