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I love building spaces: architecture, furniture, all of it, probably more than fashion. The development procedure is more tactile. It’s about space and form and it’s something you can share with other people.  (Share Quotes) Love happens when you are ready to share with another human being. Prayer happens when you are ready to share with God.  (Share Quotes) I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We’ve made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.  (Share Quotes) The sculptor Frosty Myers and I met when we were bidding against each other at an auction. He’s an eccentric, a liberal with a collection of rifles, and his stuff is big art. We share a love of tractors. I’m trading him one for a piece of art.  (Share Quotes) Art is an expression of joy and awe. It is not an attempt to share one’s virtues and accomplishments with the audience, but an act of selfless spirit.  (Share Quotes) Trouble is a part of life, and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough.  (Share Quotes) I wish to share and pass down some of my generation’s traits, and encourage young people to create their own art, music, and literature.  (Share Quotes) The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them.  (Share Quotes) I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.  (Share Quotes) I am working on a list for collaborations and it’s just another way to share your artistic talent with other artist.  (Share Quotes) I’d prefer to invite the artists simply to work and have fun with Guatemalan artists. To share missions of life. Maybe that is more important than seeing an exhibition.  (Share Quotes) If somebody has a question, they only have to ask one of us because we share a brain. We seriously have never said something different than the other one.  (Share Quotes) If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.  (Share Quotes) Those of us lucky enough to have a share of privilege in the more free societies should not be asking this question, but doing something to answer it.  (Share Quotes) Throughout my years, I’ve had the pleasure of assembling and training what I believe to be the best group of people in the world. People with the presence of mind to deal with any flare-up, including my own. People who share the belief that nothing is impossible.  (Share Quotes) When Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell first proposed the grants that now bear his name, he envisioned a way to help students attend our country’s wonderful colleges and universities, so they could share in the American Dream.  (Share Quotes) These things I sample, or clip, are things that we share - music, films, sounds. It triggers a layer of participation from the audience as they recognize the material and remember it.  (Share Quotes) The average Jordanian has much in common with the average American in terms of the values that we share, the fact that we all value the family unit, our work ethic.  (Share Quotes) Without an awareness of our feelings we cannot experience compassion. How can we share the sufferings and the joys of others if we cannot experience our own?  (Share Quotes) Real fatherhood means love and commitment and sacrifice and a willingness to share responsibility and not walking away from one’s children.  (Share Quotes) It’s important to know that at the end of the day it’s not the medals you remember. What you remember is the process -- what you learn about yourself by challenging yourself, the experiences you share with other people, the honesty the training demands -- those are things nobody can take away from you whether you finish twelfth or you’re an Olympic Champion.  (Share Quotes) Twitter is awesome to share news with fans, but I would never choose to only have social media and put everything in my life on display.  (Share Quotes) Injury in general teaches you to appreciate every moment. I’ve had my share of injuries throughout my career. It’s humbling. It gives you perspective. No matter how many times I’ve been hurt, I’ve learned from that injury and come back even more humble.  (Share Quotes) Share everything. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Put things back where you found them.  (Share Quotes) It’s much more fun to share and laugh at the bad times and the frustrations. I find you get a much deeper connection with the audience that way.  (Share Quotes) Well, I’ve always been a character actor, you know, and you always get your share of character actors who are bad guys.  (Share Quotes) I want my wife and children to travel always with me and share good things and bad things. That’s what the family is for.  (Share Quotes) Having a decent share of the national wealth for the middle class is not bad for growth. It is actually useful both for equity and efficiency reasons.  (Share Quotes) You’re having a hard time and lately you don’t feel so good; You’re getting a bad reputation in your neighborhood. It’s alright, it’s alright; Sometimes that’s what it takes. You’re only human, you’re allowed to make your share of mistakes.  (Share Quotes) Work... family - I’m doing it all. But here’s the secret I share with so many other nanny- and housekeeper-less mothers I see working the same balance: my house is trashed. It is strewn with socks and tutus.  (Share Quotes)
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