Sharp Quotes

Text Quotes
He was intrigued by the power of words, not the literary words that filled the books in the library but the sharp, staccato words that went into the writing of news stories. Words that went for the jugular. Active verbs that danced and raced on the page (Sharp Quotes)
It’s good to be a little frightened. It’s good to respect your opponent. It keeps you sharp. In the fight game, the head rules the heart. But in the end the heart is the boss (Sharp Quotes)
Why are we so attached to the severities of the past? Why are we so proud of having endured our fathers and our mothers, the fireless days and the meatless days, the cold winters and the sharp tongues? It’s not as if we had a choice (Sharp Quotes)
It gave me a sharp kind of sadness to think that no matter how much I loved him and tried to put him back together again, he might stay broken forever (Sharp Quotes)
Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: what’s said and what’s done (Sharp Quotes)
Some of us find our way with a single light to guide us; others lose themselves even when the star field is as sharp as a neon ceiling. Ethics may not be situational, but feelings are. We learn to adjust, and, over time, the stars we use to guide ourselves come to reside within rather than without (Sharp Quotes)
From the time I began to read, as a child, I loved to feel their heft in my hand and the warm spot caused by their intimate weight in my lap; I loved the crisp whisper of a page turning, the musky odor of old paper and the sharp inky whiff of new pages. Leather bindings sent me into ecstasy. I even loved to gaze at a closed book and daydream about the possibilities inside (Sharp Quotes)
Sometimes fear made you angry. Perhaps after years anger cooled, like a sword taken from a forge. Perhaps in the end you were left with something very cold and very sharp (Sharp Quotes)
Mothers were much too sharp. They were like dogs. Buster always sensed when anything was out of the ordinary, and so did mothers. Mothers and dogs both had a kind of second sight that made them see into people’s minds and know when anything unusual was going on (Sharp Quotes)
Kessa ran her fingers over her stomach. Flat. But was it flat enough? Not quite. She still had some way to go. Just to be safe, she told herself. Still, it was nice the way her pelvic bones rose like sharp hills on either side of her stomach. I love bones. Bones are beautiful (Sharp Quotes)
Neel takes a sharp breath and I know exactly what it means. It means: I have waited my whole life to walk through a secret passage built into a bookshelf (Sharp Quotes)
There is a sharp distinction between what is remembered, what is told and what is true (Sharp Quotes)
Acting is a sport. On stage you must be ready to move like a tennis player on his toes. Your concentration must be keen, your reflexes sharp; your body and mind are in top gear, the chase is on. Acting is energy. In the theatre people pay to see energy (Sharp Quotes)
Golf is like a razor. You get just so sharp and then it begins to dull a little more the more you use it (Sharp Quotes)
He seems the incarnation of everything soft and silky and velvety, without a sharp edge in his composition, a dreamer whose philosophy is sleep and let sleep (Sharp Quotes)
Some tools of thought are so blunt that they are almost useless; others are so sharp that they are dangerous. But the wise man will have the use of both kinds (Sharp Quotes)
Every single word you have spoken is sharp, sarcastic and twisted. When I thought you were abnormal you suddenly turned out to be normal. When I thought you were normal you turned out to be abnormal (Sharp Quotes)
Sentimental assertions are always a form of detachment; they confront the acute, terrible awareness of individual pain, the sharp particularity of loss or the fierce individuality of passion with the dulling universal certainty of platitude (Sharp Quotes)
All I’m saying is that there is a price to be paid at the sharp end.. environmentally and everywhere else.. for the food that is produced in a particular way (Sharp Quotes)
That sound in tune to you? Sounds sharp to me. Sounds like I’m playing sharp all the time. My singing teacher told us you should do that. Maybe I got it from her. She said singers when they grow old have a tendency to go flat. So if you sing sharp as a young person, as you get older and go flat, you’ll be in tune. In other words, it’s never thought good to be flat. It means you can’t get to the tone (Sharp Quotes)
Rivers of tear drops, these sharp pains in my heart, if this was the way that you love, you never should have loved me (Sharp Quotes)
Fearlessness is a fool’s boast, to my mind. The only men with no fear in them are dead, or the soon to be dead, maybe. Fear teaches you caution, and respect for your enemy, and to avoid sharp edges used in anger. All good things in their place, believe me. Fear can bring you out alive, and that’s the very best anyone can hope for from any fight. Every man who’s worth a damn feels fear. It’s the use you make of it that counts (Sharp Quotes)
The most relaxing thing I do, hang halfway out a 3rd floor window, and look at rocks if I fall out. Well maybe I’ll fall hard, something tough to break me, something sharp to rip into my insides and bleed out all that pain (Sharp Quotes)
What I am saying, I suppose, is that you write as if everyone is dead. Then you face the music. I don’t know any other way to keep the teeth sharp and the spirit alive (Sharp Quotes)
Strange the workings of the heart. One could go on for years, habituated to loss, reconciled to it, and then, in a moments unwary thought, the pain resurfaced, sharp and raw as a fresh wound (Sharp Quotes)
It’s been so long since I’ve let myself feel anger that I don’t just feel it. It covers my mouth and I swallow it down, the taste sharp and metal as though I’m gnawing through foilware (Sharp Quotes)
It’s about whittling. It’s about taking something and whittling and whittling and getting it sharp and perfect. Then you’ve got something (Sharp Quotes)
Biophobia is as much a part of a politician’s basic equipment as a sharp suit (Sharp Quotes)
I’ve always been partial to the image of liquor as lubrication, a layer of protection from all the sharp thoughts in your head (Sharp Quotes)
When all hopes are lost, only then does reality acquire that sharp focus that defines who we are and what we have become (Sharp Quotes)