She whom smiles and tears make equally lovely may command all hearts

She whom smiles and tears make equally lovely may command all hearts
Johann Kaspar Lavater was a Swiss poet, philosopher, and theologian who believed in the power of facial expressions to reveal a person's character and innermost thoughts. He was a firm believer in physiognomy, the practice of determining a person's character or personality traits based on their facial features. Lavater believed that a person's smile and tears were particularly revealing, as they could convey a wide range of emotions and feelings.In his work, Lavater often wrote about the importance of a genuine smile and the beauty of tears. He believed that a person who could smile and cry with equal grace and sincerity was truly special and could command the hearts of others. A genuine smile, according to Lavater, could light up a room and bring joy to those around them. On the other hand, tears were seen as a sign of vulnerability and emotional depth, showing that a person was not afraid to express their true feelings.
Lavater believed that those who could balance both smiles and tears were able to connect with others on a deeper level and inspire trust and admiration. He saw these individuals as being able to empathize with others and show compassion and understanding in times of need. Their ability to express a wide range of emotions made them more relatable and approachable, allowing them to form strong connections with those around them.