Sheep Quotes

Text Quotes
A sheep who goes looking for a wolf is sure to find one (Sheep Quotes)
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his counselor (Sheep Quotes)
Taxation: how the sheep are shorn (Sheep Quotes)
I think I could sing and shear a few sheep at the same time (Sheep Quotes)
Better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep (Sheep Quotes)
Most people are sheep, and they need the support of others (Sheep Quotes)
Readers are not sheep, and not every pen tempts them (Sheep Quotes)
Hee that makes himself a sheep, shall be eat by the wolfe (Sheep Quotes)
Sheep hurt my father, and through my father, sheep have also hurt me (Sheep Quotes)
Sheep. I’m stuck in a boarding school filled with sheep (Sheep Quotes)
Its better to live a goat than 100 sheep (Sheep Quotes)
Safety is a fence, and fences are for sheep (Sheep Quotes)
There are wolves within, and there are sheep without (Sheep Quotes)
She has teeth like stars and hair like sheep fuzz (Sheep Quotes)
Sheep can befriend a hungry wolf only for briefly (Sheep Quotes)
Sheep are always looking for a new shepherd when the terrain gets rocky (Sheep Quotes)
If wishes had wings, sheep would fly (Sheep Quotes)
Democracy is not a state in which people act like sheep (Sheep Quotes)
Death eats up all things, both the young lamb and the old sheep (Sheep Quotes)
Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter (Sheep Quotes)
He who owns a hundred sheep must fight with fifty wolves (Sheep Quotes)
Where there are sheep, the wolves are never very far away (Sheep Quotes)
The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of wolves (Sheep Quotes)
I’m the black sheep (Sheep Quotes)
After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm (Sheep Quotes)
It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be (Sheep Quotes)
Even sheep should have brains enough not to follow the wolf (Sheep Quotes)
To you liberals, of course, goats are just sheep from broken homes (Sheep Quotes)
A thousand years of sheep! (Sheep Quotes)
That part of his speech was rather like being savaged by a dead sheep (Sheep Quotes)