Shelter Quotes

Text Quotes
Welcome thy neighbor into thy fallout shelter. He’ll come in handy if you run out of food (Shelter Quotes)
I understand human needs. I grew up where far too many people lived day to day without elemental needs like food and shelter (Shelter Quotes)
I was lucky to learn early in life that you need money for food and shelter, but there’s no ambition in having money in the bank for the sake of it! (Shelter Quotes)
In the dark I rest, unready for the light which dawns day after day, eager to be shared. Black silk, shelter me. I need more of the night before I open eyes and heart to illumination. I must still grow in the dark like a root not ready, not ready at all (Shelter Quotes)
He’d protect me and shelter me forever. But I was beginning to realize that being sheltered came at a price (Shelter Quotes)
Children live in the same world we do. To kid ourselves that we can shelter them from it isn’t just naive it’s a vanity (Shelter Quotes)
Because of fear, they made shelter and found food and grew things. For the same reason, weapons were stored, waiting (Shelter Quotes)
Being raised in an unstable household makes you understand that the world doesn’t exist to accommodate you, which... is something a lot of people struggle to understand well into their adulthood. It makes you realize how quickly a situation can shift, how danger really is everywhere. But crises when the occur, do not catch you off guard; you have never believed you lived under a shelter of some essential benevolence. And an unstable childhood makes you appreciate calmness and not crave excitement (Shelter Quotes)
They held each other and wept as the night closed its fist around their tiny shelter, and the world below them seethed with killers both living and dead (Shelter Quotes)
It was a though we’d been living for a year in a dense grove of old trees, a cluster of firs, each with its own rhythm and character, from whom our bodies had drawn not just shelter but perhaps even a kind of guidance as we grew into a family (Shelter Quotes)
Wind does not need translation. It speaks the language of men, of animals and birds, of rocks and trees and earth and sky and water. It does not eat or sleep, or take shelter from the weather. It is the weather. And it lives (Shelter Quotes)
My daughters depend on me for a lot more than food, clothing and shelter. They depend on me as an example of how to go on (Shelter Quotes)
Peace, to have meaning for many who have only known suffering in both peace and war, must be translated into bread or rice, shelter, health and education, as well as freedom and human dignity (Shelter Quotes)
The cabin of a small yacht is truly a wonderful thing; not only will it shelter you from a tempest, but from the other troubles in life, it is a safe retreat (Shelter Quotes)
Money is only unused power. The real purpose of wealth, after food, clothing and shelter, is philanthropy (Shelter Quotes)
Poverty is such a relative thing; but no man is really poor till life becomes a desert island that gives him neither food nor shelter nor hope (Shelter Quotes)
If we take shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master, we can become free from illusion, fear and distress. If we wholeheartedly beg for his mercy without any deceit then the spiritual master bestows all auspiciousness upon us (Shelter Quotes)
How oft a summer shower has started me; to seek the shelter of a hollow tree (Shelter Quotes)
Wildness we might consider as the root of the authentic spontaneities of any being. It is that wellspring of creativity whence comes the instinctive activities that enable all living beings to obtain their food, to find shelter, to bring forth their young: to sing and dance and fly through the air and swim through the depths of the sea. This is the same inner tendency that evokes the insight of the poet, the skill of the artist and the power of the shaman (Shelter Quotes)
The man with the knapsack is never lost. No matter whither he may stray, his food and shelter are right with him, and home is wherever he may choose to stop (Shelter Quotes)
To equip a pedestrian with shelter, bedding, utensils, food, and other necessities, in a pack so light and small that he can carry it without overstrain, is really a fine art (Shelter Quotes)
Libraries shelter the spirit, provide food for the mind, and answer the questions raised by the problems of life. They have been the home of my heart since I was a very young child, in whatever place I happened to live (Shelter Quotes)
The purpose of architecture is to shelter and enhance man’s life on earth and to fulfill his belief in the nobility of his existence (Shelter Quotes)
I don’t think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think (Shelter Quotes)
His impression was that he had been imprisoned in a shelter deep down in the underworld of his personality, listening and biding his time while insanity rushed like spring flood through the upper layer of his soul, roaring and crashing, leaving terrible destruction in its wake, a deserted, ravaged country. No, he hadn’t been crazy, but something inside him had been crazy (Shelter Quotes)
Fire may be the simplest and sometimes the only recourse in protecting yourself from the discomfort of cold, counteracting the effects of hypothermia, or in making up for inadequate clothing, bedding, or shelter (Shelter Quotes)
We’re number one in domestic violence homicides. We also have a high rate of alcohol abuse and drug abuse and there’s a high lethality rate when you get those factors involved, so the shelter has 52 beds, certainly it is never empty (Shelter Quotes)
The practice of architecture is the most delightful of all pursuits. Also, next to agriculture, it is the most necessary to man. One must eat, one must have shelter. Next to religious worship itself, it is the spiritual handmaiden of our deepest convictions (Shelter Quotes)
Most of the people we see don’t want to live in a shelter and feel save in their own little camp. Experience has taught me that almost 100 percent of these people suffered abuse as children. Well over half have emotional, mental problems. Most have drug and alcohol problems (Shelter Quotes)
Socialism is not about big concepts and heavy theory. Socialism is about decent shelter for those who are homeless. It is about water for those who have no safe drinking water. It is about health care, it is about a life of dignity for the old. It is about overcoming the huge divide between urban and rural areas. It is about a decent education for all our people. Socialism is about rolling back the tyranny of the market. As long as the economy is dominated by an unelected, privileged few, the case for socialism will exist (Shelter Quotes)