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Shepard Quotes

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If a wolf attacks his sheep, the shepard kills the wolf, but he eats the sheep when he’s hungry  (Shepard Quotes) I really didn’t know much about theater. After I signed on, I started reading a lot of Sam Shepard plays just to brush up on my history and do some research  (Shepard Quotes) Most of my influences from outside the commerical strange fiction genre came in with university, discovering James Joyce and Wallace Stevens, Blake and Yeats, Pinter and Borges. And meanwhile within those genres I was discovering Gibson and Shepard, Jeter and Powers, Lovecraft and Peake  (Shepard Quotes) My first plays were amazingly bad, but I had a teacher who thought I had promise, and he kept working with me. I finally went to a summer workshop before my senior year with people like Sam Shepard and Maria Irene Fornes who encouraged me to write from my subconscious, and suddenly all this material about culture clash came out.  (Shepard Quotes)