Sheri L Dew Quotes
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Text Quotes
I always felt big and unattractive (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
There isn’t anyone who wants to see me married more than I do (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I drove a tractor almost as soon as I could reach the pedals (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Most significantly, the fullness of the priesthood contained in the highest ordinances of the house of the Lord can be received only by a man and woman together (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Life, like classical music, is full of difficult passages that are conquered as much through endurance and determination as through any particular skill (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I invite you to consider anew what you know and what you have; what you are here for and where you are going; and how you are going to do what you have come here to do. p 1 (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
We don’t really know what we believe in or care about until what we believe in or care about is threatened, challenged, or measured (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
True leaders understand that leadership is not about them but about those they serve. It is not about exalting themselves but about lifting others up (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
No marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Few of us will reach our potential without the nurturing of both the mother who bore us and the mothers who bear with us (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I had a lot of friends who were boys. I played ball with them, but we didn’t date. They didn’t ask me that much because I wasn’t cute enough or because I didn’t drink or party (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I know how to set an irrigation tube, and I helped with the harvest. I learned the law of the harvest without even knowing I was learning it. On the farm, you learn early that you reap what you sow (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Think about what there is to learn from your heritage, good and bad, and about what you want to cultivate and not cultivate (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Do you think there is any chance the Lord would have inspired his prophets to prophesy about us, only to then take a chance on the outcome of the latter days by sending men and women he couldn’t count on? There is no chance - zero chance - He would have done that (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
These are the days in which a true leader wants to live. These are days when opportunities to change lives and even destinies are nearly endless. You are running the anchor leg of the relay because you were born to lead. You were born for glory (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
As daughters of our Heavenly Father, and as daughters of Eve, we are all mothers and we have always been mothers. And we each have the responsibility to love and help lead the rising generation (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Satan has declared war on motherhood. He knows that those who rock the cradle can rock his earthly empire. And he knows that without righteous mothers loving and leading the next generation, the Kingdom of God will fail (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I was raised on a farm in Kansas where we lived next door to my Grandma Dew, and I was her shadow. We went everywhere together - to the bank, the doctor, the Early Bird Garden Club, and to an endless procession of Church meetings (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
I am a basketball junkie, and as a product of the great basketball state of Kansas, I have watched many a ball game between the University of Kansas Jayhawks and the Tar Heels. (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about people. It’s about leaving the ninety and nine and going into the wilderness after those who are lost. It’s about bearing one another’s burdens, with the ultimate burden anyone can bear being walking through this life without light. (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us. (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
We are here to influence the world rather than to be influenced by the world (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
None of us come to this earth to gain our worth; we brought it with us (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Motherhood is more than bearing children... It is the essence of who we are as women (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
The last days are not for the faint of heart or the spiritually out of shape (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
Happily, though we must each walk through life on our own, we don’t have to do it alone (Sheri L Dew Quotes)
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