Sherman Alexie Quotes

Text Quotes
I think I was born with a suitcase (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
If one reads enough books, one has a fighting chance (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
I write in blood because I remember what it felt like to bleed (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
What inspires a poem for me is usually a moment (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
My father is an amazing man (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Nostalgia is always doomed and dooming (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Spiritual matters should be private (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Don’t live up to your stereotypes (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
But we danced, under wigs and between unfinished walls, through broken promises and around empty cupboards (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Most of my heroes are just decent people. Decency is rare and underrated (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Well, as a native, as a colonized people you do live in the in between. The thing is I’m native. But necessarily because I’m a member of the country, I’m also a White American (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Also because I’m ambiguously ethnic looking, you know, I come to New York and I can be anything. People generally think I’m half of whatever they are (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
The poetry, if you will, of life is reduced to this sort of dry, scientific, you know, it’s the worst sort of precis of who we are (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Facebook and Twitter and these other social sites bring every, I mean, 140 characters. I mean, I’m on Twitter and I have fun. But I don’t think anybody learns anything about me as a person (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Yes, I am Irish and Indian, which would be the coolest blend in the world if my parents were around to teach me how to be Irish and Indian. But they’re not here and haven’t been for years, so I’m not really Irish or Indian. I am a blank sky, a human solar eclipse (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Gordie, the white boy genius, gave me this book by a Russian dude named Tolstoy, who wrote, ‘Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ Well, I hate to argue with a Russian genius, but Tolstoy didn’t know Indians, and he didn’t know that all Indian families are unhappy for the same exact reasons: the frikkin’ booze (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away. (107) (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
And I couldn’t make fun of her for that dream. It was my dream, too. And Indian boys weren’t supposed to dream like that. And white girls from small towns weren’t supposed to dream big, either. We were supposed to be happy with our limitations. But there was no way Penelope and I were going to sit still. Nope, we both wanted to fly: (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
All I try to do is portray Indians as we are, in creative ways. With imagination and poetry. I think a lot of Native American literature is stuck in one idea: sort of spiritual, environmentalist Indians. And I want to portray everyday lives. I think by doing that, by portraying the ordinary lives of Indians, perhaps people learn something new (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
The librarian spoke in a reverential whisper. Corliss knew she’d misjudged this passionate woman. Maybe she dressed poorly, but she was probably great in bed, certainly believed in God and goodness, and kept an illicit collection of overdue library books on her shelves (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
It’s a weird thing. Reservations were meant to be prisons, you know? Indians were supposed to move onto reservations and die. We were supposed to disappear. But somehow or another, Indians have forgotten the reservations were meant to be death camps (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
The problem is that too many adults think their kids’ lives are simple, or they try to make their lives simple, when their emotional lives are just as complicated as ours. They might have a few less tools to deal with it because they’re young, but the emotions are all the same, and the subject matter is all the same (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
There isn’t a lot of poverty literature in the young-adult world. And I don’t know why that is, but I think certainly I felt a gap (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
In the middle of the night, when you’re ambiguously ethnic, like me, when you’re brown, beige, mauve, siena, one of those lighter browns in the Crayola box. You have to be careful of the cops and robbers, because nobody’s quite sure what you are, but everybody has assumptions (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
Sixty percent of all Indians live in urban areas, but nobody’s writing about them. They’re really an underrepresented population, and the ironic thing is very, very few of those we call Native American writers actually grew up on reservations, and yet most of their work is about reservations (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
I think most Native American literature is unreadable by the vast majority of Native Americans. Generally speaking Indians don’t read books. It’s not a book culture. That’s why I’m trying to make movies. Indians go to movies; Indians own video recorders (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
The percentage of Indian kids doing some sort of artistic work is much higher than in the general population - painting, drawing, dancing, singing. The creation of art is still an everyday part of Indian culture, unlike the dominant culture, where art is sort of peripheral (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
I got hundreds of emails insulting me, accusing me of being some caveman. I am by no means a Luddite. I have two iPods. I have a cell phone. I have cable TV, HDTV! (Sherman Alexie Quotes)
A lot of native culture has been destroyed. So you already feel lost inside your culture. And then you add up feeling lost and insignificant inside the larger culture. So you end up feeling lost squared. And to never be recognized, to never have any power, you know, other minority communities actually have a lot of economic, cultural power (Sherman Alexie Quotes)