Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes

Text Quotes
Words are easy to say, but emotions betray the best intentions (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Aren’t you an enigma wrapped in a thick coating of contradictions (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
People are basically irritating. Myself included (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Power, true power, comes from within. Not without. (Nick) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Shut up. Asshole. (Shahara) I live for your endearments. (Syn) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
There is no magic in words (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Don’t let those people steal your day (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
To make an omelet you must first break some eggs (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
That wasn’t love; that was stupidity (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Three out of four demons prefer barbeque sauce over hemoglobin (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
But life isn’t about learning to forgive those who have hurt you or forgetting your past. It’s about learning to forgive yourself for being human and making mistakes (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Success is when persistence meets preparation (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Acheron. When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Proceedings at law are sufficiently expensive (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Over, under, around, or through. There is always a way. - Soteria (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
But as the Roman playwright Terence once wrote, From many a bad beginning great friendships have formed (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Sure. My ego’s had enough time to recover a modicum of dignity. Let’s make sure we crush it again before I mistake myself for a God. -Acheron (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
And I flunked anger management the moment I put the counselor through a stone wall. You might want to keep that in mind. [Thorn] (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
No good deed goes unpunished- Syn (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Hey, yummy leather guy? Can you hear me? (Amanda) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Simi? What was it you told me once about families? We have three kinds of family. Those we are born to, those who are born to us, and those we let into our hearts (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Looks aren’t all there is in the world, my lady. They are certainly no protection against being alone. Hearts never see through the eyes. (Sebastian) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Don’t worry, Otto. I’m an acquired taste. Most of my best friends had to know me for years before they could even stand my presence. I’m like mold, I usually grow on you very slowly. (Tabitha) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
A flower can’t grow without rain. (Alexion) Too much rain and it drowns. (Danger) And yet the most beautiful of the lotus flowers are the ones that grow in the deepest mud. (Alexion) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
I hope you find peace, my brother. (Acheron) Peace walks hand in hand with a quite conscience. (Savitar) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
He attacked us. What was I supposed to do? Invite him to dinner? (Sin) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Hey, Vader, keep your Jedi mind tricks to yourself. That hurt! (Jesse) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
I pity those born of the lighter side. They have no understanding of how seductive cruelty is. The music made out of screams and pleas for mercy. Mmmm. Nothing better. (Noir) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Look what you did. (Jericho snapped at Zarek.) I broke it. (Jericho) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)