Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes

Text Quotes
Is there a point to your latest irritation, Kish? (Sin) Had a sudden death wish. Felt the deep need to come up here and have you freeze me. (Kish) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
What do you do when Mom leaves you alone like this? (Kat) I write romance novels. (Acheron) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Want to come back to the morgue with me after lunch? (Tate) I shudder at the thought of the pickup line you must have used the night you met LaShonda. Come with me, baby, and see my collection of stiffs. (Simone) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Was it like this? (Jesse) (Jesse made an inhuman ghost noise.) That sounds like Darth Vader choking on a chicken bone. (Gloria) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Charonte are guarding a Dimme? Is the world coming to an end and I missed the memo? (Stryker) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
I have much to teach you. Come and learn the art of war from the one who invented it. (Takeshi) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Ah, you fight like a sissy demon. (Takeshi) Sissy demon? Have you ever met a sissy demon? (Savitar) I killed three this morning. (Takeshi) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Akri done left his Simi on his arm for far too long. She done got tired and cranky. (Simi) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
All right, two dozen house specials. Any chance one of you might want to live dangerously and try a vegetable? (Aimee) Do we look like rabbits to you? (Fury) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
No can do. Wren stays here. (Dev) Not what I was told. (Varyk) Well, I just told you. (Dev) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
This is your sword. You press the pointy end into the enemy. Try not to let him make eye contact with you and remember, he spits invisible poison. (Thorn) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Tell me again how great you are, asshole. Nothing like a steel enema to ruin even your best day. (Fang) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Well, I would turn into a dragon and fly you home, but something tells me you would protest. (Sebastian) No doubt. I imagine the scales would also chafe my skin. (Channon) True. Not to mention, I once learned the hard way that they really do call the military out on you. You know, fighter jets are hard to dodge when you have a forty-foot wingspan. (Sebastian) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Let me guess, Velkan wants to see me? (Esperetta) No. The only thing His Highness would like to see in regards to you, Princess, is your disembowelment. (Raluca) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
There can be no faith without doubt. No strength without temptation. (Rafael) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
(She grabbed him for a bear hug.) Stop sexually harassing me, Mom. (Nick) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
I wonder why no one called the police about the rocket launcher? God knows my neighbors usually report it if I so much as fart in my backyard. (Bubba) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Patience is a virtue. (Tee) Excuse me, pot, could you not pick on the kettle? (Joe) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Yeah, well, to hear you talk, most men should come with warning labels. (She lifted her hands up to frame her next statement.) Attention, please, Psycho Alert. Me, he-man, am prone to nasty mood swings, lengthy pouts, and possess the ability to tell a woman the truth about her weight without warning. (Selena) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
May the strength of Ares and wisdom of Athena see you through. (Eros) And may Hades roast your hoary soul. (Julian) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
You have the optimism of a child. (Julian) Peter Pan all the way. (Grace) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Julian was the son of Diokles of Sparta, also known as Diokles the Butcher. That man made the Marquis de Sade look like Ronald McDonald. (Ben) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
How do you do that? (Abbie) What, sweetheart? (Hunter) Make me crazy to beat you one minute and crazy to love you the next. (Abbie) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
You must have had such a great childhood with a man like that for your father. (Delphine) Yeah. All puppy dogs and rainbows and those weird furry people with padded coat hangers on their heads that look like space aliens on acid. (Jericho) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Syn has a brain disorder that causes him to lie most of the time. Ignore him. (Nykyrian) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Just out of curiosity, how many weapons are in that thing? (Kiara) Enough to make me happy. (Nykyrian) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Yeah. Kip gets to guard you and I get to house-sit. Life bites the big tee-tawa. (Syn) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
I can tell you love him. (Syn) Yeah, like a boil in my nether regions. (Kiara) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
Thank you, Shay. (Syn) For what? (Shahara) For looking into the eyes of nothing and seeing a man you could love. (Syn) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)
What are you doing here? (Devyn) I love you, too, Pookie Bear. (Zarina) (Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes)