Sheryl Sandberg Quotes

Text Quotes
I tell people in their careers, ‘Look for growth. Look for the teams that are growing quickly. Look for the companies that are doing well. Look for a place where you feel that you can have a lot of impact.’ (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
It’s more pressure on women to - if they marry or partner with someone, to partner with the right person. Because you cannot have a full career and a full life at home with your children if you are also doing all of the housework and child care (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
People think that women don’t negotiate because they’re not good negotiators, but that’s not it. Women don’t negotiate because it doesn’t work as well for them. Women have to say, ‘I really add a lot of value, and it’s in your interest to pay me more.’ I hate that advice, but I want to see women get ahead (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
There are really good reasons to leave the workforce or work less or take a different job when you want to be with your children. I just want women - and men - to make that choice once they have the child. Not years in advance, because... they don’t get the right opportunities. They give up before they even start (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
When I went to college, as much as my parents emphasized academic achievement, they emphasized marriage even more. They told me that the most eligible women marry young to get a ‘good man’ before they are all taken (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
At Facebook, we try to be a strengths-based organization, which means we try to make jobs fit around people rather than make people fit around jobs. We focus on what people’s natural strengths are and spend our management time trying to find ways for them to use those strengths every day (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Aggressive and hard-charging women violate unwritten rules about acceptable social conduct. Men are continually applauded for being ambitious and powerful and successful, but women who display these same traits often pay a social penalty. Female accomplishments come at a cost (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
The gender stereotypes introduced in childhood are reinforced throughout our lives and become self-fulfilling prophesies. Most leadership positions are held by men, so women don’t expect to achieve them, and that becomes one of the reasons they don’t (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
And in situations where a man and a woman each receive negative feedback, the woman’s self-confidence and self-esteem drop to a much greater degree. The internalization of failure and the insecurity it breeds hurt future performance, so this pattern has serious long-term consequences (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I wish I were strong enough to ignore what others say, but experience tells me I often can’t. Allowing myself to feel upset, even really upset, and then move on - that’s something I can do (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Fear is at the root of so many of the barriers that women face. Fear of not being liked. Fear of making the wrong choice. Fear of drawing negative attention. Fear of overreaching. Fear of being judged. Fear of failure. And the holy trinity of fear: the fear of being a bad mother/wife/daughter (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Communication starts with the understanding that there is my point of view (my truth) and someone else’s point of view (his truth). Rarely is there one absolute truth, so people who believe that they speak the truth are very silencing of others (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Framing the issue of work-life balance - as if the two were dramatically opposed - practically ensures work will lose out. Who would ever choose work over life? (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
You know, there has never been a 24-hour period in five years when I have not responded to e-mail at Facebook. I am not saying it’s easy. I work long hours (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I just believed. I believed that the technology would change people’s lives. I believed putting real identity online - putting technology behind real identity - was the missing link (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
We have a problem with women in leadership across the board. This leadership gap - this problem of not enough women in leadership - is running really deep and it’s in every industry. My answer is we have to understand the stereotype assumptions that hold women back (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I’m excited that more people, especially men, are understanding that equality is good for them. I don’t want men to want equality for women because they’re being nice to their colleagues and daughters. I want men to want it because it’s better for their companies and their lives (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
If I had to embrace a definition of success, it would be that success is making the best choices we can ... and accepting them (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
As more women lean in to their careers, more men need to lean in to their families. We need to encourage men to be more ambitious in their homes. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I spent most of my career in business not saying the word ‘woman.’ Because if you say the word ‘woman’ in a business context, and often in a political context, the person on the other side of the table thinks you’re about to sue them or ask for special treatment, right? (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Our culture needs to find a robust image of female success that is first, not male, and second, not a white woman on the phone, holding a crying baby, (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
There is no such thing as work-life balance. There is work, there is life, and there is no balance. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I believe if we had half our companies and half our countries run by women, and half our homes run by men, things would be better. We know our companies would be more productive. If you use the full talents of the population, you’re more productive. We know our homes would be happier. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I don’t believe we have a professional self from Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I look forward to the day when half our homes are run by men and half our companies and institutions are run by women. When that happens, it won’t just mean happier women and families; it will mean more successful businesses and better lives for us all. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Give us a world where half our homes are run by men, and half our institutions are run by women. I’m pretty sure that would be a better world. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
But knowing that things could be worse should not stop us from trying to make them better (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
I’d like to see where boys and girls end up if they get equal encouragement - I think we might have some differences in how leadership is done. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)
Communication works best when we combine appropriateness with authenticity, finding that sweet spot where opinions are not brutally honest but delicately honest. (Sheryl Sandberg Quotes)