Shoe Quotes

Text Quotes
I have big feet. Do you know how embarrassing it is when you ask for a shoe and they look at you like, No, we don’t make these heels for Bigfoot, sorry. (Shoe Quotes)
A lean cheek, - a blue eye, and sunken, - an unquestionable spirit, - a beard neglected:- Then your hose should be ungartered, your bonnet unhanded, your sleeve unbuttoned, your shoe untied, and every thing about you demonstrating a careless desolation. (Shoe Quotes)
A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you’re going to move is quite dictated by your shoes. (Shoe Quotes)
My father wasn’t absolutely delighted. He wanted me to become a lawyer. I studied law, but I thought the shoe business was more exciting. (Shoe Quotes)
Right now I’m reading every fashion magazine I can find. As a shoe designer, I feel it’s my responsibility to learn as much as I can about the business, past and present. (Shoe Quotes)
My older sister is a working mom. She’s busy. She chooses to spend money on her children. But she should be able to afford a good shoe for herself. (Shoe Quotes)
I don’t fret much about the natural life spans of shoe companies. If stores don’t do the right things, they cease to exist, and that doesn’t trouble me at all. (Shoe Quotes)
I’m a fashion designer, not a shoe designer. I like to design clothes. (Shoe Quotes)
Shopping is a lot of fun, but I hate trying on clothes because I think I’ve done too many costume fittings and trials. I hate trying on clothes. Shoes I love. I mean, I love shoes. Anywhere, any place, any time, you take me to a shoe store. (Shoe Quotes)
I’m against solutions that are worse than the problem. Like old women who want their hair dyed the color of shoe polish to hide the gray. (Shoe Quotes)
Discouragement is like a scorpion in your shoe; it takes courage to toss it out so you can move on (Shoe Quotes)
In design it is important to shoe the effect of an action. ... Feedback is critical. (Shoe Quotes)
Boutique hotels are great, but they get too cute. Some hotels have shoe polish. It’s like, come on, this isn’t 1960. No one’s polishing their shoes. (Shoe Quotes)
Excellence is making a rubber shoe initially; later making a leather shoe; then later making a leather shoe with gold medal on top and then making a golden shoe with diamond medal on top; going to make a real diamond shoe! (Shoe Quotes)
There’s tons of little tricks that that go into making the perfect shoe, but I think color, comfort is really important and different sizes of heels. (Shoe Quotes)
I hate to complainNo one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches. (Shoe Quotes)
I’m obsessed with sparkle for men. It’s so funny watching people’s reaction to a disco-ball shoe! (Shoe Quotes)
Any time you can have your logo or your name on a shoe, growing up that’s a dream come true (Shoe Quotes)
I bought a company in the mid- 90s called Dexter Shoe and paid $400 million for it. And it went to zero. And I gave about $400 million worth of Berkshire stock, which is probably now worth $400 billion. But I’ve made lots of dumb decisions. That’s part of the game. (Shoe Quotes)
I never thought that shoes would be the reason that you recruit players, but it’s a factor. I think we need to get the shoe companies out of the lives of the athletes. I think we need to get it back to where parents and coaches have more of a say than peripheral people, but that’s easier said than done. (Shoe Quotes)
If you hit a Talib with your shoe, then there would be no difference between you and the Talib. You must not treat others with cruelty and that much harshly, you must fight others but through peace and through dialogue and through education. (Shoe Quotes)
My father was placid and easygoing. He owned a small shoe store where I helped out on Saturdays. I think he’d have been pleased if I’d made a career of working in the shoe store. But my mother was ambitious. She encouraged us to read books, and she pushed us toward a musical education. (Shoe Quotes)
I believe every woman should have a flat, a really good wedge, and then the showstopper shoe (Shoe Quotes)
If you’re passionate about the world, and if you really look closely at everything around you, each thing can be transformed into a shoe, or into a part of a shoe. (Shoe Quotes)
I’ve never owned an actual trail-running shoe myself, but maybe I should. My favorite paths are fraught with peril, much of it skulking at shoelace level. A rock, a root, an errant pine cone. Wham, and you’re down, choking in dust and picking pebbles from wounds in your forearms and knees. (Shoe Quotes)
The flat shoe makes the woman equal of men. When they have high [shoes], they play a part like a geisha, and they can’t be expected to be taken that seriously. (Shoe Quotes)
We forget our health and comfort and notice a pinching shoe. Much of living well is detaching from our boring stories of pain and shifting focus (Shoe Quotes)
For God’s sake, don’t let her watch Cinderella. What kind of example is that? A mindless twit who can’t even remember where she left her damn shoe, so she has to wait for some douchebag in tights to bring it to her? Give me a frigging break! (Shoe Quotes)
Uggs are comfort shoes, and it’s important to have a shoe that gives you a sense of comfort. I have about 15 pair of Uggs - the same shoe, the same color. And I also have the bedroom slippers. (Shoe Quotes)
As a dancer, you really try to stay true to whatever the choreographer/artistic director is giving you. So, now the shoe is on the other foot and I have to trust everyone else - I have to trust the dancer. As I was trusted as a dancer, I trust my dancers. (Shoe Quotes)