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Shoemaker Quotes

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The shoemaker makes a good shoe because he makes nothing else  (Shoemaker Quotes) Words should be an intense pleasure just as leather should be to a shoemaker  (Shoemaker Quotes) Their chief occupations are feasting, fighting, and making love, and playing the most beautiful music. They have only one industrious person amongst them, the lepracaun - the shoemaker  (Shoemaker Quotes) Education makes a man a more intelligent shoemaker, if that be his occupation, but not by teaching him how to make shoes; it does so by the mental exercise it gives, and the habits it impresses  (Shoemaker Quotes) One cannot see callers, answer the telephone, go to luncheons or dinners, visit the dentist or shoemaker, address charitable organizations in or from a bed; therefore a bed, in my experience, is simply bristling with ideas  (Shoemaker Quotes) When we see a man with bad shoes, we say it is no wonder, if he is a shoemaker  (Shoemaker Quotes) If I had known they were going to do this, I would have become a shoemaker  (Shoemaker Quotes) I do not think that shoemaker a good workman that makes a great shoe for a little foot  (Shoemaker Quotes)