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Shooting Quotes

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It’s a fun thing to do: Go to a shooting range with a buddy, knock off a few rounds, release stress  (Shooting Quotes) People don’t realize how long hours are when you’re shooting a movie  (Shooting Quotes) I let the actors work out their ideas before shooting, then tell them what attitudes I want. If a scene isn’t honest, it stands out like a sore thumb  (Shooting Quotes) It is impossible to preserve my friendship with people who are allegedly leaders when they are attacking their own people, shooting at them, using tanks and other forms of heavy weaponry  (Shooting Quotes) What’s important is the tolerance. If people are not beating other people up, or shooting them for being different, then that’s progress. Even if the ideas that go through their head are fodder for novelists  (Shooting Quotes) Oftentimes, the only evidence left behind at the scene of a shooting are bullet shell casings  (Shooting Quotes) I can’t begin to count how many times I have warned politicians and candidates to worry as much about the good coverage as the bad, because the more air they put in your balloon, the bigger the target when they start shooting  (Shooting Quotes) To shoot a gun proficiently, including speed shooting, is much less of a skill than typing  (Shooting Quotes) My first three movies, I didn’t start editing until we were finished shooting. That’s unthinkable to me now  (Shooting Quotes) You never know what a movie is going to look like when you’re shooting it and you just hope it’s going to look like it’s supposed to be  (Shooting Quotes) I never accept lengthy film roles nowadays, because I am always so afraid I will die in the middle of shooting and cause such awful problems  (Shooting Quotes) I am not a fan of video games, I had to learn a lot about them. I would love to play video games, but I don’t want to go around shooting people, and ripping off their heads, and it’s just gross  (Shooting Quotes) I’ve got this reputation for shooting one take which is a wonderful reputation to have but it’s hard to live up to  (Shooting Quotes) Whilst shooting think of nothing else; brace the whole of the body; have both hands on the stick; concentrate on your ring sight  (Shooting Quotes) What I like about their films is that you actually feel the momentum of whatever they’re shooting. So, if someone’s falling out a window, it gives the opportunity to show what that might feel like  (Shooting Quotes) I love the crossbow. I mean it’s just fun. Guns are fun, I can’t deny that shooting guns in movies isn’t fun. But a crossbow is pretty rad  (Shooting Quotes) I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting  (Shooting Quotes) I’m the kind of person who, if I see a shooting star, I wouldn’t stay there and watch it. I’d run to my friends and tell them because I would want everyone to see it too  (Shooting Quotes) Although the shooting war is over, we are in the midst of a cold war which is getting warmer  (Shooting Quotes) Male bashing is everywhere. It would be a mistake to view the current situation as another skirmish in the war between the sexes. Women have been doing the shooting, and men have been burying their heads in the sand, hoping the bullets will miss  (Shooting Quotes) Sometimes when you’re heavy into the shooting or editing of a picture, you get to the point where you don’t know if you could ever do it again  (Shooting Quotes) I go through periods, usually when I’m editing and shooting, of seeing only old films  (Shooting Quotes) Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them  (Shooting Quotes) You can’t start a movie by having the attitude that the script is finished, because if you think the script is finished, your movie is finished before the first day of shooting  (Shooting Quotes) It’s not unexpected that shooting massive amounts of water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure into the earth to shatter shale and release natural gas might shake things up. But earthquakes aren’t the worst problem with fracking  (Shooting Quotes) I feel like when I’m on stage, when I’m writing songs, singing songs, I’m in the studio, I’m shooting videos, I kind of get to become this character, and I can make that whatever I want to make that  (Shooting Quotes) Shooting stars are not stars at all. They re just rocks that enter the atmosphere and catch fire under friction. What we wish on when we see one is only a trail of debris  (Shooting Quotes) Cowards are nice, they’re interesting, they’re gentle, they wouldn’t think of shooting down people in a parade from a tower. They want to live, so they can see their kids. They’re very brave  (Shooting Quotes) All of sudden, this shooting star went by, and all I could think was that they were listening to us somehow  (Shooting Quotes) You can hear my dreams? God, you must never get any quiet. I’d be shooting myself in the head if I were you  (Shooting Quotes)
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