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Shooting Quotes

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You might be a redneck if you were shooting pool when your kids were born  (Shooting Quotes) Hell, when I was in high school, a drive-by shooting meant somebody had their rear end hanging out a car window  (Shooting Quotes) There’s been another mass shooting by a crazy person, and liberals still refuse to consider institutionalizing the dangerously mentally ill  (Shooting Quotes) Any idiot, especially one who is prepared to die, who has a gun, can start shooting up people  (Shooting Quotes) We’ve gotten better at shooting down routine material or stuff we feel like we’ve done better in the past. Getting different people in the band for periods also keeps it from going stale  (Shooting Quotes) I found my father’s Super8mm film camera when I was around eight years old and started shooting with it. I had no idea what I was doing at the time, but that’s really where my filmmaking began  (Shooting Quotes) There’s always things from shooting a film that you pick up that hopefully make you better  (Shooting Quotes) Jessica Jones is very unique, and we are all in awe of the response from the public. It seems that everyone connected with the character, and we enjoyed shooting it  (Shooting Quotes) When I’m shooting, as much as writing, I see edited footage in my mind, so I work that way, and it’s economical  (Shooting Quotes) I shoot very little film. If you just do coverage you’re shooting any number of potential films instead of just one, and I was shooting just one specific film. Film is cheap but time is expensive  (Shooting Quotes) We don’t work in the traditional TV format where we’re like writing concurrently to shooting. Like, we really view it as a large feature film  (Shooting Quotes) We live in a crazy time. Every other week, there’s a school shooting. There’s always some nutty thing and I’ve always wanted to kind of understand the crazy  (Shooting Quotes) There’s something about shooting webs out of my wrists and climbing up things that just makes me happy  (Shooting Quotes) I was completely broke, so I started saying yes to everything. I said yes to a woman who approached me about shooting the Dracula ballet, even though I felt like I was probably going to sabotage it  (Shooting Quotes) I literally designed and built the sets myself, and I kind of liked it. I always gave myself eight weeks to do that - sometimes even 10 - and the shooting took five or six weeks  (Shooting Quotes) I am my father’s daughter. It was not up to me growing up. I was his hunting and fishing buddy, so I’ve been shooting my whole life  (Shooting Quotes) I wanted to give my first instincts a chance without shooting them down immediately, which I sometimes do  (Shooting Quotes) Gabriel Batistuta. He was a spectacular No 9 - great at finding space, shooting from outside the box, good in the air. He was always a reference for me and I used to watch the way he played  (Shooting Quotes) I noticed while working on Green Lantern that the actor - albeit forefront in the film, obviously, and the key focus for the audience - is kind of the smallest cog in the machine when you’re shooting  (Shooting Quotes) I hate casual shooting. Every shot is preceded by working to get open and catch and shoot under game like condition  (Shooting Quotes) Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right no  (Shooting Quotes) I’m either shooting nine grams of coke a day or spending two hours at the gym. There’s no middle ground  (Shooting Quotes) Giving someone a second chance is like providing someone with another bullet after they missed shooting you the 1st time  (Shooting Quotes) Haters are just people who are jealous of everything you have. Don’t let them steal your shine. Cause baby you’re a shooting star  (Shooting Quotes) Getting in the shower and letting the water run down your arms so it looks like you’re shooting water out of your fingertips  (Shooting Quotes) Even a fiction film is hard to end. You can going on shooting and editing a documentary forever  (Shooting Quotes) It seemed like this day could go in so many directions, like a spiderweb shooting out toward endless possibilities  (Shooting Quotes) Thank you for knocking instead of shooting when you need to use the bathroom  (Shooting Quotes) Mr. Chairman, I think the record should show that for the first time since McKinley, we have a Republican president worth shooting, and I think that’s a good sign  (Shooting Quotes) You can actually improvise a lot as a voice actor. It’s not that entirely different than shooting a live action movie; the characters mouths are quite easy to manipulate once all the information is built into the computer. So you can improvise a lot and it doesn’t matter really how far along they are in the process they can really just make the character say something different  (Shooting Quotes)
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