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Shooting Quotes

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I don’t have a mullet, but going into season one on ‘The Walking Dead,’ I asked to have a mullet, and everybody talked me out of it. Because I’d have to wear a mullet when we were not shooting every day. I have that motorcycle, wings on my vest, the crossbow... Maybe a mullet would’ve thrown me over the edge.  (Shooting Quotes) The Iraq fight itself is probably going to go very, very fast. The shooting should be over within just a very few days from when it starts.  (Shooting Quotes) I’m not shooting every day of the week, which allows me to fly home to be with my kids for the weekends. That’s how I keep it moving.  (Shooting Quotes) For target shooting, that’s okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that’s why we have police departments.  (Shooting Quotes) When you’re shooting a network television show it inevitably starts airing a few episodes in, and depending on the ratings and the response from the public, you find yourself tweaking your performance or the scripts go in a different direction.  (Shooting Quotes) I used to be a die-hard defender of physical film, which I still am. I love shooting on physical film and I think it’s great.  (Shooting Quotes) We would get 20 different angles and then cut them all together. That’s what I called it at the time - the ‘cubistic’ treatment of shooting football. It was the same thing Picasso did except we did it with a football play. It’s taking a single image and looking at it from multiple perspectives.  (Shooting Quotes) Shooting a movie can be so tedious. You’re trying to get 20 different angles on the same swing. You never get into a rhythm. But I took it very seriously.  (Shooting Quotes) When you’re shooting you go to references in your mind. You think about how you should stand in these particular clothes, or how you should move. You think about the different characters you’re playing, really.  (Shooting Quotes) If I grew up in a different background, I could see myself getting a gun and shooting an abortionist. That’s my job, to imagine what could happen, what can make people go in different directions.  (Shooting Quotes) The difficult thing about shooting a television series is that you never have enough time. You really don’t.  (Shooting Quotes) We do like digital projection. We like shooting on film, finishing digitally, and projection digitally. That’s what I like best. It’s still a movie. It’s not someone’s camcorder and it got projected. That’s mean, I know.  (Shooting Quotes) Before digital, I spent thirty years shooting color transparencies, which are very unforgiving of exposure. A half stop can make or break a good photo on slide film.  (Shooting Quotes) The magical tapestry that ‘Midnight’s Children’ unfolded became a part of a journey of self-discovery as I spent time close to my roots during the shooting.  (Shooting Quotes) Sometimes when you’re heavy into the shooting or editing of a picture, you get to the point where you don’t know if you could ever do it again.  (Shooting Quotes) Think of me as the weathered sheriff coming back into Dodge ‘cause the youngsters are shooting up the church and scaring the horses and not doing right by the women.  (Shooting Quotes) I enjoy shooting. Around where I live, it’s something you do for entertainment once in a while, you go out and shoot targets.  (Shooting Quotes) I don’t take Hollywood too seriously. I have kids that don’t give a damn about what I’m shooting, they just want dinner. So that keeps me grounded.  (Shooting Quotes) If you spend any time on the shooting of a drama, for television or movies, it’s very slow and there’s a lot of standing around.  (Shooting Quotes) I’m still shooting on low budgets, though none of my movies has lost money, and I rarely get sent anything that stars a guy or is a thriller or is seriously dramatic. And I would love the opportunity to do those things.  (Shooting Quotes) Do It Under the Influence Yourself! That’s what we’re shooting for! Get drunk and make your dreams come true.  (Shooting Quotes) There’s just no real job security when you’re shooting a show about an apocalypse, and anybody could die at any time.  (Shooting Quotes) Once I blazed across the sky,Leaving trails of flame;I fell to earth, and here I lie -Who’ll help me up again?-A Shooting Star  (Shooting Quotes) It’s not unexpected that shooting massive amounts of water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure into the earth to shatter shale and release natural gas might shake things up. But earthquakes aren’t the worst problem with fracking.  (Shooting Quotes) I never want to be in that stage where a band ends up playing state fairs and casinos. I am not willing to go out shooting up Botox and eating corn dogs while judging pig contests.  (Shooting Quotes) My first three movies, I didn’t start editing until we were finished shooting. That’s unthinkable to me now.  (Shooting Quotes) I don’t know how many lions and leopards I’ve shot. I’ve shot two elephants, which was enough - never again. It’s a melancholy and moving thing to hunt an elephant. It’s like shooting an old man.  (Shooting Quotes) Every time I’m shooting a movie I want to kill myself. Because I don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel.  (Shooting Quotes) It seemed like this day could go in so many directions, like a spiderweb shooting out toward endless possibilities.  (Shooting Quotes) To establish yourself as a leading man, you’re shooting for the smallest point on the target, and you get a lot of judgment thrown at you. It takes a lot for them to get past everything and just watch your art and what you’re doing.  (Shooting Quotes)
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