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Shooting Quotes

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Instead of going out and shooting people, why don’t you go start a band  (Shooting Quotes) The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure  (Shooting Quotes) We had a week off in the middle of shooting, but as soon as everyone stopped, we all went down with six different types of flu and other unmentionable diseases  (Shooting Quotes) I’m a crack shot and I’ve won medals for shooting. But I don’t think I could shoot a person  (Shooting Quotes) I could make good time because I was so long and skinny, shooting through the water like a stick  (Shooting Quotes) Glamour is a shooting star, it catches your eye, but fades away, beauty is the sun always brilliant day after day  (Shooting Quotes) You have to edit the material. That assumes that some kind of a mind is operating in relation to the material. Not all minds are the same. Every aspect of filmmaking requires choice. The selection of the subject, the shooting, editing and length are all aspects of choice  (Shooting Quotes) A general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles... it takes your mind off the cost of living  (Shooting Quotes) Life and consciousness are the two great mysteries. Actually, their substrates are the inanimate. And how do you get from neurons shooting around in the brain to the thought that pops up in your head and mine? There’s something deeply mysterious about that. And if you’re not struck by the mystery, I think you haven’t thought about it  (Shooting Quotes) I grew up on a ranch with my father, so he educated us really early on about guns. We used to go target shooting all the time  (Shooting Quotes) When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear  (Shooting Quotes) Well, my life hasn’t really changed... I’ve been homeschooled for a long time. So that helped a lot because of shooting and stuff. But, I have had friends who I’ve been friends with for years and years and they are my true friends, you know?  (Shooting Quotes) I heard what you said. I’m not the silly romantic you think. I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don’t want gemstones or gold. I have those things already. I want…a steady hand. A kind soul. I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love, and be loved  (Shooting Quotes) Shooting stars are not really stars at all but meteorites, burning their way through our atmosphere, sometimes landing in the oceans and in the middle of farms... you could make wishes on them if you like, but they are really just pieces of rock falling down from the sky, and they could land on your head and kill you just as you look up to make a wish. Really, they’re just rocks. They don’t care about your wishes at all  (Shooting Quotes) Why did people run around in random directions when shooting started instead of literally hitting the deck to stay out of the line of fire? How stupid could you get?  (Shooting Quotes) Mercury dropped the purple car and shot up into the air, whistling like a shooting star. The woman in the car next to me looked up at me like I was a superhero. I smiled at her and jumped down, trying to be smooth. I landed wrong and went sliding on my face. I glanced back at her. She appeared less impressed than before  (Shooting Quotes) Basic research is like shooting an arrow in the air and, where it lands, painting a target  (Shooting Quotes) People talk about skating, puck handling and shooting, but the whole sport is angles and caroms, forgetting the straight direction the puck is going, calculating where it will be directed, factoring in all the interruptions. Basically, my whole game is angles  (Shooting Quotes) I think that everybody has acknowledged that, in controlling foxes, hunting is hardly used as a method at all. To say that other ways of killing foxes, such as shooting, are crueller is to accuse all those people who work in the countryside of being more cruel than they need to be. In all the time that I have lived in and represented the countryside, I have seen no evidence that those people have that view  (Shooting Quotes) There’s a time when people say your work is revolutionary, but you have to keep being revolutionary. I can’t keep shooting pop stars all my life. You have to keep changing, keep pushing yourself, looking for the new, the unusual  (Shooting Quotes) If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it  (Shooting Quotes) It fascinates me that there is a variety of feeling about what I do. I’m not a premeditative photographer. I see a picture and I make it. If I had a chance, I’d be out shooting all the time. You don’t have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at you  (Shooting Quotes) Making pictures is a very simple act. There is no great secret in photography... schools are a bunch of crap. You just need practice and application of what you’ve learned. My absolute conviction is that if you are working reasonably well the only important thing is to keep shooting... it doesn’t matter whether you are making money or not. Keep working, because as you go through the process of working things begin to happen  (Shooting Quotes) When the novice photographer starts taking pictures, he carries his camera about and shoots everything that interests him. There comes a time when he must crystallize his ideas and set off in an particular direction. He must learn that shooting for the sake of shooting is dull and unprofitable  (Shooting Quotes) I am sometimes perplexed by people who refer to defensive rifles, or defensive rifle shooting. The defensive arm is the pistol, since you have it at hand to meet situations that you do not anticipate. If you have the luxury of anticipating a lethal encounter, you pick up a long arm, either a rifle or a shotgun, but in that case you go on to the attack. Thus rifle shooting is offensive, and pistol shooting is defensive. Of course, life does not always duplicate theory, and there are exceptions to everything, but nevertheless the rifle is not a defensive weapon in concept  (Shooting Quotes) If you are not in the red playroom of pain and pleasure, … shooting the movie is much like doing any other movie  (Shooting Quotes) It’s a bit like school camp, shooting a film. Everyone’s on heat. It’s a strange energy. It’s full of adrenalin. I funnel my excess energy in funny little ways. I do a lot of dancing in my trailer. I love music  (Shooting Quotes) Theres a lot of muscles in your eyes even that you don’t ever work, but little human traits like showing signs of exertion while running, you couldnt do that. Blinking when youre shooting a gun, you know. Things that you take for granted every day that had to be eliminated, so it was always interesting  (Shooting Quotes) If you’re a film fan, collecting video is sort of like marijuana. Laser discs, they’re definitely cocaine. Film prints are heroin, all right? You’re shooting smack when you start collecting film prints. So, I kinda got into it in a big way, and I’ve got a pretty nice collection I’m real proud of  (Shooting Quotes) At night my father often heard sporadic gunfire mixed in with the sound of dogs howling. If the war came closer, soon there would be only minor difference between shooting a dog and shooting a man  (Shooting Quotes)
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