Short Quotes

Text Quotes
A journey may be long or short, but it must start at the very spot one finds oneself (Short Quotes)
Every poem I write falls short in some important way. But I go on trying to write the one that won’t (Short Quotes)
In the long run, all wrongs are righted, every minus is equalized with a plus, the columns are totaled and the totals are found correct. But that’s in the long run. We must live in the short run and matters are often unjust there. The compensating for us of the universe makes all the accounts come out even, but they grind down the good as well as the wicked in the process (Short Quotes)
I’ve lived so little that I tend to imagine I’m not going to die; it seems improbable that human existence can be reduced to so little; one imagines, in spite of oneself, that sooner or later something is bound to happen. A big mistake. A life can just as well be both empty and short. The days slip by indifferently, leaving neither trace nor memory; and then all of a sudden they stop (Short Quotes)
Every day, a piece of music, a short story, or a poem dies because its existence is no longer justified in our time. And things that were once considered immortal have become mortal again, no one knows them anymore. Even though they deserve to survive (Short Quotes)
They were maps that lived, maps that one could study, frown over, and add to; maps, in short, that really meant something (Short Quotes)
There is no reason why you should be bored when you can be otherwise. But if you find yourself sitting in the hedgerow with nothing but weeds, there is no reason for shutting your eyes and seeing nothing, instead of finding what beauty you may in the weeds. To put it cynically, life is too short to waste it in drawing blanks. Therefore, it is up to you to find as many pictures to put on your blank pages as possible (Short Quotes)
Having stumbled upon a tolerable career, for the first time in my life I was actually living above the poverty line. My hunger to climb had been blunted, in short, by a bunch of small satisfactions that added up to something like happiness (Short Quotes)
Over and over, we start our own tales, compose our own stories, whether our lives are short or long. Until at last all our beginnings come down to just one end, and the tale of who we are is done (Short Quotes)
Do not work primarily for money; do your duty to patients first and let the money follow; our life is short, we don’t live twice; the whirlwind will pick up the leaves and spin them, but then it will drop them and they will form a pile (Short Quotes)
Sleep is perhaps the only among life’s great pleasures which need not be of short duration (Short Quotes)
What’s love? Something that lasts a week or a month and that’s all you can except? Or is it just that some loves have a short shelf life? You know, like yogurt: after a week or two they go bad. And how do you recognize the other kind of love, the kind that isn’t like yogurt? The kind that’s more like... I don’t know, like peanut butter, that lasts forever and always tastes good? (Short Quotes)
I never do enjoy my breaks, long or short... I look forward to them intensely, but as soon as they begin, I can feel them starting to end. I feel the temporariness of my freedom, and find it hard to concentrate on anything other than the sensation of it trickling away (Short Quotes)
That is one thing I’ve learned, that it is possible to really understand things at certain points, and not be able to retain them, to be in utter confusion just a short while later. I used to think that once you really knew a thing, its truth would shine on forever. Now it’s pretty obvious to me that more often than not the batteries fade, and sometimes what you knew even goes out with a bang when you try to call on it, just like a lightbulb cracking off when you throw the switch (Short Quotes)
We musn’t forget old people with their rotten bodies, old people who are so close to death, something that young people don’t want to think about. We musn’t forget that our bodies decline, friends die, everyone forgets about us, and the end is solitude. Nor must we forget that these old people were young once, that a lifespan is pathetically short, that one day you’re twenty and the next day you’re eighty (Short Quotes)
Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day (Short Quotes)
We all think we’re going to be great and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectations aren’t met. But sometimes our expectations sell us short. Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You got to wonder why we cling to our expectations, because the expected is just what keeps us steady. Standing. Still. The expected’s just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives (Short Quotes)
I’ve grieved enough for his life cut short and for mine for running on for so long with so little in it. It’s weakness now, but I suppose I am crying out of a general sense of loss. Maybe I am mourning for the human condition (Short Quotes)
1. Organize before they rise! 2. They feel no fear, why should you? 3. Use your head: cut off theirs. 4. Blades don’t need reloading. 5. Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair. 6. Get up the staircase, then destroy it. 7. Get out of the car, get onto the bike. 8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert! 9. No place is safe, only safer. 10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on (Short Quotes)
In short, everything about his life was different for him at the bottom of that well (Short Quotes)
Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life (Short Quotes)
Helping other people is a drug so dangerous that there is no cure short of total abstention (Short Quotes)
A lady must retain always her composure. Even in a rainstorm, she must appear joyous and dry. When she loses her composure, then the respect of her peers and her staff will follow in short order (Short Quotes)
The world is still new... it seems old to us, but only seems because our lives are so short... our human race has been around for such a brief amount of time that the universe hasn’t had the chance to detect us yet. One blink is all it needs to miss our dance through actuality (Short Quotes)
Could you visit me in dreams? That would cheer me. Sweet to see friends in the night, however short the time (Short Quotes)
Life was a short window and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop (Short Quotes)
What was it about that short creature with her wild hair and spurious air of purity and why would anyone much less two men love her and to such disastrous ends (Short Quotes)
It was not a big smile, not particularly bold or polite or ironic or glib, not asking for anything or offering anything, not stringy or careless, not, in short, like any smile I had ever experienced before. But such a smile! You could burn a hole in the world with that smile (Short Quotes)
Realism falls short of reality. It shrinks it, attenuates it, falsifies it; it does not take into account our basic truths and our fundamental obsessions: love, death, astonishment. It presents man in a reduced and estranged perspective. Truth is in our dreams, in the imagination (Short Quotes)
He was a gentle and sensitive soul, and therefore had a short temper, which is why he went straight after everything with an ax (Short Quotes)