Short Quotes

Text Quotes
Long fiction is wonderful and you can lose yourself in it as a reader and as a writer, but short stories don’t allow the same kind of immersion. Often the best stories hold you back and make you witness them. This may be one of the reasons some people reject the form. That and the fact that they are harder work to read. A story will not let you get comfortable and settle in. It is like a stool that is so small that you must always be aware of sitting (Short Quotes)
To do the right thing, at the right time, in the right way; to do some things better than they were ever done before; to eliminate errors; to know both sides of the question; to be courteous; to be an example; to work for the love of work; to anticipate requirements; to develop resources; to recognize no impediments; to master circumstances; to act from reason rather than rule; to be satisfied with nothing short of perfection (Short Quotes)
I like to believe that stories want to be written, that they must make an effort in order to be heard. They suggest themselves to me constantly, but I have little patience, I am lazy. Now and then, however, when I’m in the right mood, I stop to listen to one and sit down to record it. I think that by now they know I am not patient, so they make themselves short (Short Quotes)
We want character but without unyielding conviction; we want strong morality but without the emotional burden of guilt or shame; we want virtue but without particular moral justifications that invariably offend; we want good without having to name evil; we want decency without the authority to insist upon it; we want more community without any limitations to personal freedom. In short, we want what we cannot possibly have on the terms that we want it (Short Quotes)
Don’t ever sell mankind short by saying there’s anything they can’t do (Short Quotes)
All of us necessarily hold many casual opinions that are ludicrously wrong simply because life is far too short for us to think through even a small fraction of the topics that we come across (Short Quotes)
We are all, in the private kingdom of our hearts, desperate for the company of a wise, true friend. Someone who isn’t embarrassed by our emotions, or her own, who recognizes that life is short and all that we have to offer, in the end, is love (Short Quotes)
Film has always been a really good tool for me to communicate emotion about why I create a collection. I’m probably one of the first designers to make short films (Short Quotes)
I want the unobtainable. Other artists paint a bridge, a house, a boat, and that’s the end. They are finished. I want to paint the air which surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located, and that is nothing short of impossible (Short Quotes)
Of all human activities, apart from the procreation of children, gardening is the most optimistic and hopeful. The gardener is by definition one who plans for and believes and trusts in a future, whether in the short or the longer term (Short Quotes)
Life is too short to worry about what others say about you. Have fun and give them something to talk about (Short Quotes)
The purpose of the pistol is to stop a fight that somebody else has started, almost always at very short range (Short Quotes)
Young people, don’t get the idea that you have an artistic temperament which must be humored. Don’t believe you cannot do good work unless you feel in tile mood for it. That is all nonsense. I frequently have to force myself to make a start in the morning; but after a short while I find I can work. Only hard and regular work will bring success (Short Quotes)
Life is short and the time of death is uncertain; so apply yourself to meditation. Avoid doing evil, and acquire merit, to the best of your ability, even at the cost of life itself. In short: Act so that you have no cause to be ashamed of yourselves and hold fast to this rule (Short Quotes)
Twitter lets me hear from a lot of people in a very short period of time (Short Quotes)
Life is an island. People come out of the sea, cross the island, and return to the sea. But this short life is long and beautiful. In getting to know nature man exalts the wonder and beauty of life (Short Quotes)
And who’s to say that just because something lasts only a short time, it has little value? (Short Quotes)
Because, life’s too short, my friends. Let’s squeeze in as many laughs as we can get (Short Quotes)
Time is too short in this one life, to be able to do everything, but it definitely is long enough at least to be able to develop the will to do anything and everything (Short Quotes)
Where are the one billion people who lived and breathed in the year 1800, only two short centuries ago? (Short Quotes)
Some people are more talented than others. Some are more educationally privileged than others. But we all have the capacity to be great. Greatness comes with recognizing that your potential is limited only by how you choose, how you use your freedom, how resolute you are, in short, by your attitude. And we are all free to choose our attitude (Short Quotes)
There are no short cuts. If you want to do something special, there’s a serious price to pay. There’s no way around it (Short Quotes)
I have always believed that life is too short for rows and disagreements. Even if I think I’m right, I would prefer to apologize and remain friends rather than win and be an enemy (Short Quotes)
I like the stroke seat. I want to be there. I want to have the race come down to a short distance and be the person to make the difference. I can’t stand to be behind and I don’t want to lose (Short Quotes)
Life is too wonderful, too full, too short and strength too limited to contain its wonder (Short Quotes)
It could be coincidence. It’s an extraordinarily short turnaround it’s impossible to say at this point (Short Quotes)
I just wanna live the moment and just take every moment and embrace it because life is short (Short Quotes)
The thing is with me I look on the brighter side of everything.There’s no point being pessimistic or being worried about too many things because frankly life’s too short (Short Quotes)
I love that moment in writing when language falls short. There is something more there. A larger body. Even by the failure of words I begin to detect its dimensions. As I work the prose, shift the verbs, look for new adjectives, a different rhythm, syntax, something new begins to come to the surface (Short Quotes)
If you are trying to balance the scales of justice and equality in all your work relationships, you’re going to come up short (Short Quotes)