Short Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is short, and we are dull, and eternal things are necessary, and the souls that depend on our teaching are precious (Short Quotes)
To think that so much comes to so little, to think that life is really short (Short Quotes)
I believe love to be hurtful to society, and to the individual happiness of men. I believe, in short, that love does more harm than good (Short Quotes)
Youth is fleeting and life is short, you might as well strike hard. Anything else is just average (Short Quotes)
When I buy, I buy players for the long term, not the short term because I do respect the club a lot and also the other clubs (Short Quotes)
Life in itself is short enough, but the physicians with their art, know to their amusement, how to make it still shorter (Short Quotes)
An inadequate chief executive officer’s time at the top is always too long no matter how short (Short Quotes)
As long as you don’t fly openly in the face of society, society doesn’t ask any inconvenient questions; and it makes precious short work of the cads who do. There are no secrets better kept than the secrets everybody guesses (Short Quotes)
Short as life is, some find it long enough to outlive their characters, their constitutions and their estates (Short Quotes)
It is while we are young that the habit of industry is formed. If not then, it never is afterwards. The fortune of our lives therefore depends on employing well the short period of our youth (Short Quotes)
In a virtuous and free state, no rewards can be so pleasing to sensible minds, as those which include the approbation of our fellow citizens. My great pain is, lest my poor endeavours should fall short of the kind expectations of my country (Short Quotes)
If your letters are as long as the bible, they will appear short to me. Only let them be brim full of affection (Short Quotes)
Genius must have talent as its complement and implement, just as in like manner imagination must have fancy. In short, the higher intellectual powers can only act through a corresponding energy of the lower (Short Quotes)
The trials of living and the pangs of disease make even the short span of life too long (Short Quotes)
When we hear jokes against women, and we are asked why we don’t laugh at them, the answer is easy, simple, and short. Of course we’re not laughing.... Nobody laughs at the sight of their own blood (Short Quotes)
In a short amount of time, I’ve lived so much, had so many experiences and met so many different types of people and even lived in so many countries. If I had been in school, I’d be learning about the world from books (Short Quotes)
If you give me a short shot I will attack you. I’m not a baseliner who rallies. I try to get the point over with (Short Quotes)
A healthy newborn has been delivered in a more or less satisfying fashion. The baby is feeding well, has short nails and a clean bottom, and has not drowned. What now? (Short Quotes)
I don’t play long parts. They must be short parts, but they’ve got to be parts that mean something, that matter, where people will notice when I’m on the screen, and people will remember the character after they’ve seen the film (Short Quotes)
When somebody says the best thing you can do is be tough, the best thing you can do is use your brute force, then we’re selling ourselves short (Short Quotes)
Since you are my readers, and I have not been much of a traveler, I will not talk about people a thousand miles off, but come as near home as I can. As the time is short, I will leave out all the flattery, and retain all the criticism (Short Quotes)
The uses of travel are occasional, and short; but the best fruit it finds, when it finds it, is conversation; and this is a main function of life (Short Quotes)
The most miserable mortals are they that deliver themselves up to their palates, or to their lusts; the pleasure is short, and turns presently nauseous, and the end of it is either shame or repentance (Short Quotes)
Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs. With this creed, revenge never worries my heart, degradation never too deeply disgusts me, injustice never crushes me too low. I live in calm, looking to the end (Short Quotes)
The whole history of modern poetry is a continuous commentary on the short text of philosophy: every art should become science, and every science should become art; poetry and philosophy should be united (Short Quotes)
Each paradigm will be shown to satisfy more or less the criteria that it dictates for itself and to fall short of a few of those dictated by its opponent (Short Quotes)
What is a thousand years? Time is short for one who thinks, endless for one who yearns (Short Quotes)
Writing the short story is essentially an act of grace. It’s not a matter of will so much as trust. I try to let the story do some of the work for me. It knows what it wants to do, say, be. I try not to stand in its way (Short Quotes)
The archer who overshoots his mark does no better than he who falls short of it (Short Quotes)
In my short experience of human life, the outward obstacles, if there were any such, have not been living men, but the institutions of the dead (Short Quotes)