Short Quotes

Text Quotes
The world, he resumed after a short pause, has no faith in any man’s conversion; it never forgets what he was, it never believes him anything better, it is an inexorable and stupid judge (Short Quotes)
I shall be but a short time tonight. I have seldom spoken with greater regret, for my lips are not yet unsealed (Short Quotes)
Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery (Short Quotes)
There is no regular path for getting out of love as there is for getting in. Some people look upon marriage as a short cut that way, but it has been known to fail (Short Quotes)
The house of fiction has in short not one window, but a million... They are, singly or together, as nothing without the posted presence of the watcher (Short Quotes)
The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year... Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase (Short Quotes)
Oh where, oh where ish mine little dog gone; oh where, oh where can he be... His ears cut short and his tail cut long: Oh where, oh where ish he (Short Quotes)
All pleasantry should be short; and it might even be as well were the serious short also (Short Quotes)
A just conception of life is too large a thing to grasp during the short interval of passing through it (Short Quotes)
There is no short cut, nor royal road, to the attainment of medical knowledge. The path which we have to pursue is long, difficult, and unsafe (Short Quotes)
There is not, in my opinion, anything more mysterious in nature than the instinct of animals, which thus rise above reason, and yet fall infinitely short of it (Short Quotes)
Sir, they are a race of convicts, and ought to be thankful for anything we allow them short of hanging (Short Quotes)
Pluck up thy spirits, man, and be not afraid to do thine office; my neck is very short; take heed therefore thou strike not awry, for saving of thine honesty (Short Quotes)
I still want to do my work. I still want to do my livingness. and I have lived. I have been fulfilled. I recognized what I had, and I never sold it short. and I ain’t through yet (Short Quotes)
When we hear jokes against women, and we are asked why we don’t laugh at them, the answer is easy, simple, and short. Of course we’re not laughing... Nobody laughs at the sight of their own blood (Short Quotes)
In the long run, free trade benefits everyone; in the short run it is bound to produce much pain (Short Quotes)
He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind (Short Quotes)
The short bloom of our brief and narrow life flies far away. While we are calling for flowers and wine and woman, old age is upon us (Short Quotes)
We have all eternity to celebrate our victories, but only one short hour before sunset in which to win them (Short Quotes)
You can get something done in a short time with fear, but in the long run it just doesn’t pay off (Short Quotes)
Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission. While the world perishes we go our way: purposeless, passionless, day after day (Short Quotes)
Each man has his appointed day: short and irreparable in the brief life of all, but to extend our fame by our deeds, this is the work of mankind (Short Quotes)
The greater part of mankind may be divided into two classes; that of shallow thinkers who fall short of the truth; and that of abstruse thinkers who go beyond it (Short Quotes)
I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime (Short Quotes)
Here, here it lies; a lump of lead by day; and in my short distracted nightly slumbers, the hag that rides my dreams (Short Quotes)
Crises have a way of thrusting into the limelight hitherto obscure persons, and giving them, for a long or short period, a leading role (Short Quotes)
Terrestrial happiness is of short duration. The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odors (Short Quotes)
Reason elevates our thoughts as high as the stars, and leads us through the vast space of this mighty fabric; yet it comes far short of the real extent of our corporeal being (Short Quotes)
In short, heaven is not to be looked upon only as the reward, but as the natural effect, of a religious life (Short Quotes)
That is the utterance of the greatest of physicians, that life is short and art long (Short Quotes)