Short Quotes

Text Quotes
In an era of parental paranoia, lawsuit mania and testing frenzy, we are failing to inspire our children’s curiosity, creativity, and imagination. We are denying them opportunities to tinker, discover, and explore - in short, to play (Short Quotes)
What is our life? A play of passion. Our mirth the music of division. Our mother’s wombs the tyring houses be, Where we are drest for this short Comedy (Short Quotes)
Sweetheart, darling, dearest, it was funny to think that these endearments, which used to sound exceedingly sentimental in movies and books, now held great importance, simple but true verbal affirmations of how they felt for each other. They were words only the heart could hear and understand, words that could impart entire pentameter sonnets in their few, short syllables (Short Quotes)
Justice has always evoked ideas of Equality, of proportion of compensation. In short, Justice is another name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity (Short Quotes)
It’s a big deal about whether or not gays can march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and I have to say that on some level I kind of see their point. Because when you think about it, it is a real macho heterosexual event. Bunch of guys in short skirts on a cart made of rose pedals sharing a bag pipe. That’s not for sissies (Short Quotes)
Tonight we light these candles to honor the value and the work of Jyoti Singh’s short, promising life, she was India’s daughter. Tonight she’s our daughter too (Short Quotes)
All roads for me lead back to Mozart. In his tragically short life, he breathed new life, fire and meaning into every form of music that existed in his time (Short Quotes)
But really, anybody could die any day, whether you were ready or not. It could be your pet fish or your sister or you. Nothing is the same forever. Maybe all the people on Earth are God’s little pet fish. God lives such a long time that people’s lives probably seem really short to him. He watches them swim for a little while, and then they stop swimming (Short Quotes)
We were a really crazy band. This was in 73. I had my hair real short with a white stripe down the middle of my head. The guitarists had pink hair. We weren’t playing CBGB’s either, we were playing Statesborough, Georgia, for cowboys on penny beer night. We used to keep crowbars onstage when fights would break out. Those were really wild times (Short Quotes)
On Thanksgiving we do just everything except give thanks. We eat, we watch football, we have a good time with family. Almost nobody gives thanks to God at Thanksgiving, unless there’s a short prayer before we eat (Short Quotes)
I went back to Dallas for a little while to finish my short film ‘Rusty Forkblade.’ It was not the instant success I thought it was going to be. There’s a false narrative that if you make a short film right after senior year, you’ll be plucked out to make a feature length film, and the rest is history. I didn’t do that (Short Quotes)
The first ‘Saturday Night Live’ season I was heavily interested in was the one with Martin Short, Billy Crystal, and Christopher Guest. There was just something about Martin Short in particular. I really related to him and hung on his every word and mannerism, so I started impersonating all of his characters as an 8th grader (Short Quotes)
Every trend in my high school was terrible! I used to wear my hair in a tight bun and let two long pieces hang in the front. I’d also wear really dark eyeliner and bright pink eyeshadow. For some reason, my friends and I thought it was really fashionable to wear a short tie with our uniforms (Short Quotes)
I write... sonnets... and writing sonnets is boring. You have to find rhymes; you have to write hendecasyllables; so after a while, I get bored and my drawer is overflowing with unfinished short poems (Short Quotes)
How much energy is wasted in Italy in trying to write the novel that obeys all the rules. The energy might have been useful to provide us with more modest, more genuine things, that had less pretensions: short stories, memoirs, notes, testimonials, or at any rate, books that are open, without a preconceived plan (Short Quotes)
We found evolution will punish you if you’re selfish and mean. For a short time and against a specific set of opponents, some selfish organisms may come out ahead. But selfishness isn’t evolutionarily sustainable (Short Quotes)
I’m happy to be on a winning team. My individual success, that lasts for a short period of time. The success of being a part of the South, of Atlanta, which is now the hot bed of music, that’s what’s gonna last the longest. The fact that I contributed to planting our flag and moving music to my city, that’s what I’m most proud of (Short Quotes)
However, people need to understand that it ain’t that deep to try and convince people of what your persona is. You are who you are, and what you are will show in time. What you aren’t can be hidden, but eventually it will come to light. Long story short: rappers should never take themselves too seriously (Short Quotes)
To shuck oysters, you’ll need an oyster knife, a handy tool with a sturdy handle and a short, rigid blade which you can pick up for about ten bucks in a kitchenware shop or fish market. A quick trip online will yield any number of videos and slide shows with step-by-step instructions on how to shuck an oyster (Short Quotes)
My father was short for a man, with a child’s plaything for a name - Spinner. He had flawless dark brown skin and a head full of big, wet-looking curls, black as oil. And he had the smile of a scoundrel - the kind of smile that disarmed men and undressed women (Short Quotes)
I’ve slipped on occasion into the realm of irresponsible invective, but I try to avoid it and generally recant when I fall short. Because name-calling does nothing to improve understanding or move the political debate forward (Short Quotes)
Well, Bradbury’s a genius. Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books of all time, and The Illustrated Man as a collection of short stories ranks up there. When you read it you realize how influential it is on so many other stories and people (Short Quotes)
It was only when I started making short films in college and I was looking for girls to play the me-ish parts that I thought, Well, maybe I’m just going to try doing this myself before somebody else comes in and handles it. For a long time my acting was just a marriage of convenience between me and these characters that I was writing (Short Quotes)
I’m not so arrogant to consider mine the only legitimate art form. I can’t in one breath make a fuss about someone compartmentalizing music into genre and then in the next accuse advertising and short film of not being art (Short Quotes)
I someday hope to find the time and coin to invest more of my creative energy towards the visual media side of releasing music. I’d love to make short film videos pushing the conventional standards of what a country music video can be (Short Quotes)
A lot of times in my short fiction there isn’t much dramatized scene - there are a lot of short, interconnected bits, snippets of conversation, continual action, and so on. I frequently rely pretty heavily on voice (Short Quotes)
Throughout history governments have been chronically short of revenue. The reason should be clear: unlike you and me, governments do not produce useful goods and services that they can sell on the market; governments, rather than producing and selling services, live parasitically off the market and off society (Short Quotes)
We were such fans of Sleepy Hollow, in all of its iterations - growing up with the Disney show, and then Tim Burton’s and, obviously, the most important being Washington Irving’s short story. It evokes and invokes a very specific feeling and tone (Short Quotes)
I’m going to continue to make short films. I love making shorts. I don’t have a boss. There’s no boss telling me what I can and can’t do. I find that it’s incredibly creative and challenging to just keep doing that (Short Quotes)
Justin Hermann is one of the best new voices in short fiction-deep and entertaining as hell, with many funny lines, unexpected turns of events, and great insights. Wonderful stories: each one is a trip! (Short Quotes)