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Not that she’s a political animal, she’s just an ordinary woman, but as a woman she’s of the view that you don’t bring children into the world to have them shot  (Shot Quotes) Southerners have a genius for psychological alchemy... If something intolerable simply cannot be changed, driven away or shot they will not only tolerate it but take pride in it as well  (Shot Quotes) That did it. I’d gone through a lot in the past few days. Everyone I met seemed to want a piece of me: djinn, magicians, humans... it made no difference.I’d been summoned, manhandled, shot at, captured, constricted, bossed about and generally taken for granted. And now, to cap it all, this bloke is joining in too, when all I’d been doing was quietly trying to kill him  (Shot Quotes) It didn’t take a trauma to make you wear a mask. It didn’t take your parents getting shot... or cosmic rays or a power ring... Just the perfect combination of loneliness and despair  (Shot Quotes) Who shot him? I asked. The grey man scratched the back of his neck and said: Somebody with a gun  (Shot Quotes) Mercury dropped the purple car and shot up into the air, whistling like a shooting star. The woman in the car next to me looked up at me like I was a superhero. I smiled at her and jumped down, trying to be smooth. I landed wrong and went sliding on my face. I glanced back at her. She appeared less impressed than before  (Shot Quotes) Tomorrow at 7, I shall be shot; but I am innocent of the crime of rebellion. I am going to die with a tranquil conscience  (Shot Quotes) A friend of mine told a story about a date with a guy she was really excited about: He stood her up. He then called her, begging her forgiveness and giving some excuse. She told him to get lost, telling him that he only gets one shot with her, and he blew it  (Shot Quotes) I’ve never been shot, but this probably what it feels like, that second of nothingness right before the pain catches up to the bullet  (Shot Quotes) His lips covered hers as he laid the gauze on her leg. Fiery pain shot through her flesh as his lips swallowed her cry, then replaced it with such amazing sensation she wanted to whimper in return. He licked her lips. He didn’t steal her kiss. He didn’t take it. He cajoled it from her  (Shot Quotes) He understood that the ghost existed first and foremost within his own head. That maybe ghosts always haunted minds, not places. If he wanted to take a shot at it, he’d have to turn the barrel against his own temple  (Shot Quotes) Keep working. Keep trying. Keep believing. You still might not make it, but at least you gave it your best shot. If you don’t have calluses on your soul, this isn’t for you. Take up knitting instead  (Shot Quotes) If you show this devious little liar one atom’s worth of compassion I will have you shot  (Shot Quotes) The bristling eyebrows shot up in mock surprise. Mesmerized, the boy watched them disappear under the hanging thatch of white hair. There, almost coyly, they remained just out of sight for a moment, before suddenly descending with a terrible finality and weight  (Shot Quotes) If the regular length of a shot is increased, one becomes bored, but if you keep on making it longer, it piques your interest, and if you make it even longer, a new quality emerges, a special intensity of attention  (Shot Quotes) When do you think people die? When they’re shot through the heart with a pistol?... No. When they have an uncurable disease?... No. When they drink soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! When they are forgotten! Even if I die, my dream will come true. The hearts of the people will be cured..!  (Shot Quotes) One rule I had was make your best pitch and back up third base. That relay might get away and you’ve got another shot at him  (Shot Quotes) Forget the last shot. It takes so long to accept that you can’t always replicate your swing. The only thing you can control is your attitude toward the next shot  (Shot Quotes) The fun part of golf is the variety of shots. In football you can do anything with a ball, but you can do anything with a golf ball as well. When you hit a shot and the ball does exactly what you want it to do... that’s wonderful. It’s just great when you hit the ball well. You should always try not to make the ball cry  (Shot Quotes) The hardest shot in golf is a mashie at 90 yards from the green, where the ball has to be played against an oak tree, bounces back into a sandtrap, hits a stone, bounces on the green and then rolls into the cup. That shot is so difficult I have made it only once  (Shot Quotes) There is an old saying: if a man comes home with sand in his cuffs and cockleburs in his pants, don’t ask him what he shot  (Shot Quotes) A shot that goes in the cup is pure luck, but a shot to within two feet of the flag is skill  (Shot Quotes) A good one iron shot is about as easy to come by as an understanding wife  (Shot Quotes) I can’t stand a ballplayer who plays in fear. Anybody who has a good shot has got to take it and keep taking it. So he misses... so what?  (Shot Quotes) The mismatch is not what gets you beat. What gets you beat is giving up the uncontested, open shot  (Shot Quotes) In going for the last shot of the game most people wait too long to take the shot. Give yourself a chance to get the first shot and tap the ball in. Your players are normally inside the defense  (Shot Quotes) It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals  (Shot Quotes) It’s not who wins the fight that’s important, it’s being willing to fight. If you get challenged and renege, everyone wants to take a shot at you  (Shot Quotes) Erase from your mind that your preparation must be perfect. Hard work dedication = a shot at your dreams. Keep believing  (Shot Quotes) When I’m in a zone, I don’t think about the shot or the wind or the distance or the gallery or anything; I just pull a club and swing  (Shot Quotes)
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