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I never played a perfect 18 holes. There is no such thing. I expect to make at least seven mistakes a round. Therefore, when I make a bad shot, I don’t worry about it. It is just one of the seven  (Shot Quotes) If I had cleared the trees and drove the green, it would’ve been a great shot  (Shot Quotes) Trouble shots are surprisingly easy if you activate your imagination. You simply must be able to imagine exactly what flight the ball will take before you can play any shot well  (Shot Quotes) Winning a postseason game is like winning five regular season games. There is just no feeling like it. Everything is magnified. Every free throw, turnover, shot and play  (Shot Quotes) Maybe this is crazy, but I think the right to own a gun is trumped by the right not to be shot by one  (Shot Quotes) I’m going to be working on my shot. Working on extending my range. Keep working on everything, and really studying the game  (Shot Quotes) A hook shot kisses the rim and hangs there, helplessly, but doesn’t drop and for once our gangly starting center boxes out his man and times his jump perfectly, gathering the orange leather/from the air like a cherished possession  (Shot Quotes) I think competing is more important than winning. There have been a lot of times when I’ve teed it up and I didn’t win but I felt like I competed. I felt like this was not my day, but I never gave up, and I tried on every shot, and then next week I’d go get them  (Shot Quotes) Trust me,... I know where my heart is and my heart’s right here. I’m going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes. That’s no shot to anybody. Everybody’s got different career paths. This is mine  (Shot Quotes) I believe in giving everything my best shot. I do not believe in holding back. I am very driven by the fact that we are destined with these opportunities  (Shot Quotes) I guess I’ve shot about 40,000 negatives and of these I have about 800 pictures I like  (Shot Quotes) Fulham haven’t had a shot on target, which is probably why they aren’t in the goals  (Shot Quotes) History has shown that the greater power of the gun is its power to deter. Bear in mind that criminals, by definition, target only victims they believe they can overpower. When the intended victim draws a gun, the predator realizes that their erstwhile target has the ability to kill them instantly. This tends to modify their behavior immediately without a shot being fired  (Shot Quotes) I knew I could play well on the grass, but I really played so well today. I knew exactly what I had to play to beat her. I just did everything I could in the moment. I was very focused for every point. I knew that I had to go forward for every shot I was playing to push her back, and yeah, I did it  (Shot Quotes) Maybe it was magic. I was really prepared for everything. I knew I had to go for every shot, but I also think for her it wasn’t really easy when she saw I was running and putting everything back too  (Shot Quotes) Every time I hit a shot, I feel like I am shaking hands with the flag stick  (Shot Quotes) If you go into a store, with a gun, and rob it, you have forfeited your right to not get shot  (Shot Quotes) This is what I believe to be true. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining  (Shot Quotes) You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it’s all about. A deer’s gotta be taken with one shot  (Shot Quotes) You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot  (Shot Quotes) I have no rules. For me, it’s a full, full experience to make a movie. It takes a lot of time, and I want there to be a lot of stuff in it. You’re looking for every shot in the movie to have resonance and want it to be something you can see a second time, and then I’d like it to be something you can see 10 years later, and it becomes a different movie, because you’re a different person. So that means I want it to be deep, not in a pretentious way, but I guess I can say I am pretentious in that I pretend. I have aspirations that the movie should trigger off a lot of complex responses  (Shot Quotes) That beautiful sister of mine was an overwhelming and volatile mixture. One had the feeling that she’d been shot from a canon and showered her sparks over an incredulous world with no thought or care where they fell, a carbon copy of father. She was like some silvery comet who streaked through life with daring speed, the wellspring of which was an inner confidence that I deeply admired. At times, particularly in childhood, I was intimidated by her but she dictated from an aura of affection for me that was never threatening  (Shot Quotes) Every once a week, I get up and feel that I cannot act any more. I just get very unsure of myself. But, once I give my first shot, I’m back on track. Insecurity isn’t bad, it makes me work harder  (Shot Quotes) I suppose if the offending paparazzi was wearing a hoodie and I shot him, it would all blow over  (Shot Quotes) I was thinking about time, how on a movie set the shot is maintained in the same time no matter how many takes and hours pass. Reflectors and lights are added, footprints are smoothed away, so that there are no telltale clues as the day wears on. When the shot is finished and the plugs are pulled, time seems to leap forward in a matter of seconds. Perhaps making movies is a step toward being able to move backward and forward and in and out of linear time  (Shot Quotes) I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I’m selling? No. Do I know what I’m doing today? No. But I’m here, and I’m gonna give it my best shot  (Shot Quotes) Mr. Hitchcock taught me everything about cinema. It was thanks to him that I understood that murder scenes should be shot like love scenes and love scenes like murder scenes  (Shot Quotes) I remember I was a child, and when I grew up I was a poet. It all happened at sixty miles an hour and on days when the clock stopped and all of humanity fit into a little chapel, into a pinecone, a shot of ouzo, a snail’s shell, a piece of soggy rye on the pavement  (Shot Quotes) A great shot is when you pull it off. A smart shot is when you don’t have the guts to try it  (Shot Quotes) I’m not a star, man. If a guy came in here and shot you and shot me, we’d both be two dead people. You understand?  (Shot Quotes)
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